Monday, December 30, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Was Destined For Greatness - 757 Words
From the moment of his birth, on February 12th, 1809 in Sinking Springs, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln was destined for greatness. Through a series of both positive and negative events, his life was greatly influenced and shaped by his particular beliefs that would eventually deliver him to his election to the United States presidency in 1860. Perhaps Lincoln s greatest view on a particular belief was that of the issue of slavery. His father, Thomas Lincoln, moved the family from their home in Kentucky to Indiana due to the competition of slavery in the economic sector and some confusion on land ownership boundaries. No doubt, Abraham Lincoln must have taken in his father s own ideas on anti-slavery as slavery hurt the white man economically. Although, at this time, young Lincoln was not particularly concerned with the morality issue of slavery. Growing up as a young man, Abraham did not have much direct contact with slaves as he lived in the free state of Indiana. However, after helping his parents relocate, on his 22nd birthday, he set out to live his new life away from home. Lincoln soon found a job with one of his friends’ father, taking a flatboat of goods down the Mississippi River to New Orleans to be sold at the market. While en route to New Orleans, Lincoln and his friend were ambushed by a gang of slaves. Lincoln successfully managed to fight off the attackers and keep control of the flatboat. Strangely, this particular incident did not seem to affect Lincoln’sShow MoreRelatedThe Fiery Trial By Eric Foner1135 Words  | 5 PagesThe Fiery Trial by Eric Foner Abraham Lincoln is one of the most influential American Presidents known for his leadership in a revolutionary movement that officially outlawed slavery in the U.S. Eric Foner, the American historian examined the path of Lincoln that eventually led him to a historical achievement. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analysis Of Telemachus And Elie Weisel - 1170 Words
Characters of literature embody their unique personal qualities from elements of their lives. A merging of expectations and their environment, though neither in perfect balance, molds the two Wes Moore’s, Telemachus, and Elie Weisel, and determines their overall identity. Influencing expectations include those others form of them, or those they form for themselves. Living space, living place, stresses of life, and the people they live with are all factors of environment. Through these specific aspects of life, characters become further developed. Outside forces, especially their living environment and expectations thrust upon them, influence the lives of the two Wes’ in The Other Wes Moore. To start, both characters experienced†¦show more content†¦His mother needed more money because she was raising both Wes’s and Tony’s kids.†(Moore 145). Military school introduced Wes to an entirely new, highly disciplined living space. Although this environment taught him discipline rather harshly, it shaped Wes through keeping him away from trouble on the streets, while also making him feel rewarded for his hard work. Finally feeling the support he lacked throughout his entire life, military school reignited Wes’ desire to do well. â€Å"They made it clear that they cared if I succeeded, and eventually so did I.†(Moore 115). Positive effects spiraled from this environment. Contrarily, the other Wes Moore’s environment negatively influenced him. Without a father-figure, We s’ role model became his older brother, Tony, who actively participated as a drug dealer. Introducing him to a life filled with crime, Wes’ dependence and utmost respect regarding Tony led him in the wrong direction, and ultimately created his future as a criminal. However, Tony wasn t the only driving factor in Wes’ joining the game; living in a dangerous neighborhood also added to an environment that pushed him into drugs. Additionally, expectations that characters must uphold also characterize them. Both characters are expected to stay out of trouble. The first Wes Moore masterfully fulfills this duty, becoming quite successful; however, other Wes Moore did not
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Power in the wrong hands Free Essays
Power in the Wrong Hands In Lord of The Flies by William Golding, A Tale of Two Cites by Charles Dickens, and Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer people in power use their position to corrupt others. This suggests people should be mindful who they put In power. In these novels the authors show that no matter what age, race, social status, or even gender a person is, if given some-kind of power and competition they have the potential to become corrupt. We will write a custom essay sample on Power in the wrong hands or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, these three writings demonstrate that fear gives the ability to control people or a person. In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Madame Defarge knits registry of all the people who are against her and the revolution. As Madame Defarge adds names to the registry the Jacques or revolutionaries follow by her orders and kill each person on this list. Defarge states â€Å"It would be easier for the weakest of poltroon that lives, to erase himself from existence, than to erase one letter of his name or crimes from the knitted register of Madame Defarge†(Dickens 212). The more people the revolutionaries kill for Madame Defarge the more names she knits into the registry. Therefore, each time a Jacque kills a person it adds to her ower and gives her more authority over the rest of the people. Madame Defarge feeds off of and gains her power and position through installing fear into the eyes of those who are opposing to her. Now she does not only add those who are against her and are aristocrats, she knits names of those who she simply Just wants dead. Madame tells â€Å"then tell the wind and fire where to stop.. But dont tell me†(Dickens 419). By the end of the novel, Madame Defarge ultimately becomes terrifying in her unwillingness to deviate from her plan of revenge against the aristocrats. In Lord of he Flies by William Golding, Jack wants nothing more than to be the absolute ruler of the island. Jack explains â€Å"Next time there will be no mercy†(Golding 31). Golding added â€Å"he looked around fiercely, daring them to contradict†(Golding 31). Jack tells that next time he will stop at nothing to prove to the rest what he is capable of. As a game all of the boys start playing that they are killing a pig; however, when the kids become overwhelmed they end up killing Simon. The boys chant â€Å"kill the beastl Cut his throat! Spill his blood! †(Golding 152). The boys chanting in the circle gradually ecome blood thirsty as they pretend to kill the â€Å"pig†. They kill Simon when he crawls Into the circle for his turn to be pig. Because Jack has a desire for blood he shows no attempt to stop the boys from tearing Simon apart. Once He killed Piggy, Jack realized that he had the ultimate power of the island. Jack then screamed â€Å"see? See? That’s what you’ll get! I meant thatl There Isnt a tribe for you anymorel†(Goldlng 181). Warning Ralph that he is next to die and that the hunt for him is on. It is very clear to Roger and Jack that they can eliminate their threat, Ralph, from the island due to heir power over the tribe of choir boys. In Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, the leaders of the groups become corrupt as they endure fear of dying on the mountain. How to cite Power in the wrong hands, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Recruitment Strategy OF TechnologyOne Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Recruitment Strategy OF TechnologyOne. Answer: Introduction Recruitment is a complex process that includes various tactics and strategies to hire the best talents for the organization. The process of recruitment incorporates the entire process of sourcing, selecting, and on-boarding employees to an organization, which is a task looked after by the Human Resource Management of the organistion. The report focuses on addressing current issues faced by various organizations in their recruitment process. Attention would be given on TechnologyOne, which is the largest Australian owned enterprise software developer ( 2017). The report identifies the several challenges that are present in the organization for the process of recruitment fresh talents. A strategic suggestion is also provided at the end of the report. Identification of the issues in the process contributes in formation of the first part of the report. The later part discusses the effective strategies incorporated by several organizations to improve their recruitment process. A suggestion for the company is made based on this discussion. The report is prepared on the secondary research and several peer reviewed articles are used in the process of the preparation. Several books, articles and company portals are also taken along side with the peer reviewed article for gaining knowledge about the current situation of the organization. Issues in Recruitment Process The companies around the industries are undergoing a number of strategic issues in the process of recruitment at present time. Placing an advertisement in the paper or social media is not enough to these days. It requires a lot more active involvement in the process to fill the positions in the organization. The challenges can be like balancing speed and quality, out-dated recruitment strategies, problem with retention, overwhelming the recruitment system, limited resources, war for talent, competition from startups, and potential lack of effective recruiters, labour supply and demand, organizational image and demographic issues (Buller McEvoy, 2012). However, the significant issues that are common and related to the selected organization are presented in the report. Labour Supply or Demand The demand and supply of specific set of skills in the labour market is an issue industries are going through. The demand of the skilled labour is high compared to the supply that created a shortage of workforce in the market. Companies require advanced recruitment strategies to cope with the situation of shortage of labour (Moriartyet al., 2012). Current Australian technology market is facing similar situation, as the demand for programmers and financial analysts is higher than the supply. Even though the supply is moderate, but skills are not fulfilled which results in rejection of the candidates. Organisational Image A variety of research shows that organizational image can provide a sustainable source of competitive advantage by attracting high-potential applicants. According to Van Hoye et al., (2013), image of the organization is the first thing the job seekers looks for while reviewing the job advertisement. Scholars over time have identified factors such as size, media exposure and type of the industry that highly influence the organizations image (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 013). The advertisement of financial performance is a major contributor in this field. Several studies conceptualized that the job seekers develops a minimal level of attraction to an organization from the advertisement of the job. TechnologyOne is directing their recruitment process toward a new approach of advertisement. They are now working closely with the Australian universities and refocusing its skills to regulate the recruitment process more effectively. Demographic Issues Australias growth in working age population has imposed potential challenge for finding job in the Australian market. On contrary for the recruiter, they have a wide range of options for recruiting employees with potential skills required for filling their positions. There is a tension in the market for finding candidates with potential talents out of this mass. Technological firms face greater challenge in this aspect as the number of skilled technical candidates is low in number (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). Hence, company like TechnologyOne needs more effective recruitment strategy for succeeding to hire effective candidates for their posts. There are multiple dimensions in this issue that needs consideration. They are mentioned below. Ageing Workforce The men and women in Australia are spending more time in formal education that reduces the time involved in the workplace. This is resulting into the aging of the workforce in the industry. The age at the time of employment is increasing which is affecting their employability in the firm. Moreover,, the firm needs to replace their workers in short period dor the similar reason . Hence, the time of employment has considerably reduced over time. Generation Due to the expansion in the formal education duration, the fresher group is becoming considerably aged and the gap between the generations of workers is reducing. The current generation of the working force higher than the other countries. This can create a dilemma in an organization like TechnologyOne as it seeks to enter the global market. The difference between the generation of the Australian and overseas workforce of the company is higher that poses considerable threat to the company in the work efficiency. Diversity Diversity in workplace can prove to be an advantage for the organization as it will result in outcome of diversified ideas to improve the efficiency. However, problem in recruiting a diversified workforce comes along with the advantage (Armstrong, Taylor, 2014). Different recruitment strategy needs to be implemented for recruiting a diversified workforce. Hence, a multi-layered recruitment strategy is required for hiring a diversified workforce in TechnologyOne as it seeks to start its venture overseas. War for talent There was a time when the market was full of skillful workers and there was no competition in the part of the recruiters to rush for the best employee in the market. However, the scenario has considerably changed. It is now a war to recruit the top performer available in the market. The technological sector faces higher challenge as the number of programmer is low than the demand (Elving et al., 2013). Limited Resources Every organization has a pay structure for their employees. They are bounded by the structure that could not be increased above a certain limit. However, the increased demand in talent leads the employees to bargain over salary. This is a serious issue the technological sector needs to resolve. They have to structure their recruitment process in such a way that the candidates cannot bargain for increment of the proposed salary. Moreover, the company can offer facilities for the candidate which can make up for the reduced salary offered. Recruitment Strategy The best way to get the candidates visit the posted job is the implementation of creative recruiting strategy. This will also contribute to increase the pace of the selection procedure, consistency and effortless. Different organization selects different recruitment strategies in the process, whereas, many implements multiple strategies to get a refined benefit (Greenidge et al., 2012). Some of them are discussed below and related with TechnologyOne for improving their recruitment strategy. Employer Branding This is the promotion of the perception held by the organizations present employees and the major stakeholders. The concept is based on how they view the organization ranging from how the organization conduct in the marketplace through to what is their experience working in the organization (Van Hoye et al., 2013). A proper recruiter branding can position the organization as a good employer and a great place to work at and can, as a result, help with recruitment, retention and generally affect market perception of the company. It is about the effectiveness in communicating the companys values, culture and personality to create the desired perception among the job seekers (Leekha Chhabra Sharma, 2014). It also explores every aspect of the organizations employment starting from training and development, support networks, development of career paths and incentives and benefits, rights through to their way out of the organization and beyond (Sivertzen, Nilsen Olafsen, 2013). Some consi derations are essential for developing the employer brand. The process involves, attracting new talent, interviewing and on-boarding, retaining the best talent, leaving on a good note and many more. It will surely develop the image of TechnologyOne as a multinational company in the Australian market (Brewster et al., 2016). Types of Advertising Job advertisement is the most common type of recruitment for any organization. Organization communicates their vacancy through many modes of advertisement. The focus of the company is to place their advertisement in particular places to attract particular experts to fill the proposed vacancy of the organization (Daley, 2012). For example, in case of TechnologyOne, they need to advertise in specific trade publications and websites with high traffic rates. The content of the advertisement includes interview location, job title, description, compensation package, and instruction on how to apply for the advertised position. The advertising is of various types. They are: Traditional job posting on a job board Traditional job posting on a corporate website Gated job opportunity Targeted ad that points to a specific job posting Targeted ad that points to a website Non specific job ads Referenced job ads Unsolicited email delivery of a job ad Job ads couched in social media. Recommendation and Conclusion The report identifies various issues that are face by organization in their recruitment process in the present Australian market. Various parameters are involved in the process. The important ones that are frequently seen in the process are mentioned in the report. The analysis of the issues shows that different external influences plays active role in modification of the issues. Supply and demand of workers, and organisational image are two most important challenge faced by the companies. Appearance of these issues are more in number for the technological industry and multinational companies. While relating the issues with TechnologyOne, it evidences occurrence of similar problem as faced by other technological firms. Other variant issues that have been mention in the report are war for talent, demographic issues, and limited resources. The company under has already implemented strategies to tackle some of the issues like organizational issue. As mentioned in the discussion, targeti ng the educational institutes for creating their image is giving the company positive feedback. However, the rest are yet to be addressed. Some recommendations are made for the company such as, implementation of employer branding and advertising which shows a positive result for the organization. Branding of the company will allow the candidate to explore the work environment of organization and the benefits provided to the employees working there. The job satisfaction of the present employees will attract the candidates and increase their interest to go for the company. This is important to demonstrate the advantages to the candidates and lure them for considering the position offered by the company. On the other hand, various types of advertising is also discussed in the report that can benefit the organization to improve their recruitment process. It could be evidence from the report that the technological firms can implement a number of advertisement process and other industries for the promotion of the jobs offered. However, the company has to choose the best medium for gaining better response as it varies from industry to industry. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Buller, P. F., McEvoy, G. M. (2012). Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight.Human resource management review,22(1), 43-56. Daley, D. M. (2012). Strategic human resources management.Public Personnel Management, 120-125. Elving, W. J., Westhoff, J. J., Meeusen, K., Schoonderbeek, J. W. (2013). The war for talent? The relevance of employer branding in job advertisements for becoming an employer of choice.Journal of Brand Management,20(5), 355-373. Greenidge, D., Alleyne, P., Parris, B., Grant, S. (2012). A comparative study of recruitment and training practices between small and large businesses in an emerging market economy: The case of Barbados.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,19(1), 164-182. Leekha Chhabra, N., Sharma, S. (2014). Employer branding: strategy for improving employer attractiveness.International Journal of Organizational Analysis,22(1), 48-60. Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P., Vernon, G. (2016).International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers. Moriarty, E., Wickham, J., Krings, T., Salamonska, J., Bobek, A. (2012). Taking on almost everyone?Migrant and employer recruitment strategies in a booming labour market.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,23(9), 1871-1887. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), 1-14. Sivertzen, A. M., Nilsen, E. R., Olafsen, A. H. (2013). Employer branding: employer attractiveness and the use of social media.Journal of Product Brand Management,22(7), 473-483. (2017). TechnologyOne. Retrieved 25 September 2017, from Van Hoye, G., Bas, T., Cromheecke, S., Lievens, F. (2013). The instrumental and symbolic dimensions of organisations' image as an employer: A large?scale field study on employer branding in Turkey.Applied Psychology,62(4), 543-557.
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