Thursday, October 31, 2019
Surveys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Surveys - Essay Example es, Behaviour, and Preferences of E-Customers; Allworth Press 17 Introduction This present paper is a research paper that seeks to investigate how the internet has revolutionised how business is done and what influences the internet has on the performance of business organisation. The paper will mainly answer this research question using data collected from questionnaires that were distributed to a target population of fifteen people that comprised of five managers and ten friends and relatives. ... The second part of the paper will analyse that data that was collected in the first part while the third and final part of the paper will discuss research findings , draw out a conclusion and then spell out a few recommendation that address the research question. Part 1 1.1 Impact of the internet on businesses Jarvenpaa and Todd (2010) described the Internet as a global network that interconnects all computers in the world thereby enabling different computers in different corners of the world to communicate with each other. Bridges et al. (2010) further added that the internet is decentralised by design meaning that it is independent and not a property of any individual thou it relies on other physical infrastructures that taps into other networks. Through the interconnectivity provided by the Internet, the world has become a global village and it is no longer necessary to move physically from one location to another in order to inquire or acquire a good or service since this can be done through the internet and payment as well as delivery can be organised through the same platform. According to Bigne (2005), the internet has had a revolutionary impact mostly in the 21st century on the way people carry on various tasks. For example, it is no longer mandatory to go to work to simply submit or write a report, since the employee can do this at the comfort of his or her own home and then send the report to the manager via the internet. This mode of operating is largely classified under the concept of virtual office, which does not necessarily require workers to work under one physical location. Secondly, Close (2012) noted that it is no longer necessary to visit a physical store in order to inquire about a certain product or service before
Monday, October 28, 2019
Why Anorexia Is Bad Essay Example for Free
Why Anorexia Is Bad Essay According to Stefinie Lein from the University of Arizona, the effects of anorexia nervosa, a complex psychological and physical disorder in which a person starves themselves, are numerous Sub Point A) Physical Effects. Lack of essential energy requirements and nutrients tax the entire body and can result in electrolyte disturbances such as hypokalemia (low blood potassium) and hyponatremia (low blood sodium), among others. Electrolyte disturbances, in turn, can cause heart arrhythmias, irregular heartbeats, and even heart attacks. The heart is not the only organ in the cardiovascular system that may be affected by anorexia. The blood itself may also be damaged. Abnormal blood counts and anemia (low red blood cells or abnormal red blood cells with impaired oxygen-carrying capacity) are not uncommon. The digestive system is affected as well. Besides experiencing constant hunger pangs, constipation or bloating may occur. The stomach may shrink in size, making the reintroduction of food troublesome. The kidneys are not immune either. Further effects of anorexia nervosa may include kidneys stones and even kidney failure. Sub Point B) Ending result. After not eating for a certain amount of time your body would start to experience hallucinations, convulsions, muscle spasms, and irregular heart beat. Your body then begins to eat away at itself causeing fluid to fill the body. This causes organs to shut down one by one until you eventually die from the pain. CONTENTION 2: FOOD BENEFITS IN MULTIPLE WAYS Sub Point A) Health benefits. Eat states that eating benefits include a reduced risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes. Also eating helps protect against certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer. There is also a reduced risk of coronary artery disease and helps decrease bone loss and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. Sub point B) Mental benefits. There is a numerous about of mental benefits that result from eating food. Food consumtion, according to mental heath, results in decreased rates of depression and inclinded rates of feelings of happiness and love. Eating food also incresses social interaction says Eating also gives people an enriched sense of ATP and exhilaration. This leads to incressed strength, energy, attention spans, self esteem, and IQ. It also leads to decreased depression, weight fluctuation (How fast your weight changes), and stress.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Violence in Cincinnati :: Essays Papers
Violence in Cincinnati In the article, â€Å"‘Violence’ in Cincinnati,†Thomas A. Dutton brings up a conversation about the urban area of Over-The-Rhine. He speaks out about how this downtown area has extremely too much violence and there needs to be something done about it. He speaks to the age group of twenty-five and up and to all citizens of Cincinnati. This article was published in 2001 in â€Å"Nation†magazine. At this time in Cincinnati, there were many disputes about race. A white officer shot an unarmed black man in April in 2001 that had many offenses against him at the time and was killed shortly after. Riots broke out and curfews were set in to place. This is a major event that happened in Cincinnati’s history and still today has hurt the citizens and the Over-The-Rhine district. Violence has been fought against people of color for a very long time and it affects the people and various cities around us. Thomas A. Dutton’s use of logic is seen through out this entire article by presenting various examples that gives supporting evidence as to why Cincinnati is a violent city in the course of the Over-The- Rhine district. One example that supports this claim and relates to persuasiveness is that on April 7, a young man named Timothy Thomas was shot and killed by a white Cincinnati police officer. This was the start of all the controversy in the urban city. Since this has happened â€Å"recent census data shows that Cincinnati is the ninth most segregated city in the United States†(2). Dutton uses several statistics through out many years dating back as far as the 1940’s and shows that things persist to happen to get bad in this area. While many things are happening downtown with new buildings and stadiums, the fact that there is still this segregation between the black, the poor, and the upper class downtown, hurts the entire community. All of this evidence that is presented is very persuasive. They are convincing which shows that many people will also agree with what he has to say about this city. When a city like Cincinnati is being run down, a lot of crime happens and things need to be done about it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
The Supernatural in Macbeth     Everyone has a slightly different interpretation of the supernatural but the interpretation which we can start with is Shakespeare’s. Everyone of Shakespeare’s time found the supernatural fascinating. Shakespeare interpreted the supernatural as witches, magic, unnatural and evil and he expressed his beliefs in the play, â€Å"Macbeth†very clearly, as he portrayed the three deformed women with control over the weather and the ability to predict the future. These three evil witches with magical powers were the creation of Shakespeare’s interpretation of the supernatural. Shakespeare’s contemporaries believed in the supernatural very strongly and a majority of them were frightened of it, including the king of that time, King James I of England.   Since it was an interesting issue which many people of Shakespeare’s time felt they were affected by, Shakespeare wrote about it. â€Å"Macbeth†with its supernatural theme was the 17th century’s equivalent to the modern day horror movie.   The play begins with a supernatural scene, where the three witches meet and give many clues as to who they are or what they have control over,   â€Å"†¦we three meet again in thunder, lighting or in rain?†¦.When the battle’s lost and won†¦.That will be ere the set of sun†¦.There to meet with Macbeth.†  This scene sets the atmosphere for the rest of the play. If this scene was not there it would be difficult for the audience to understand how later scenes are linked or how these three women can tell Macbeth’s future. Also if elements of the supernatural were not used in Act 1 Scene 1, as they have been, the witches could not be shown as sinister and evil. These two elements of horror, â€Å"sinister†and â€Å"evil†would later be used to explain the cause of the three witches’ behaviour further on in the play.    As the play continues the supernatural is used more. Act 1 Scene 3 is Macbeth’s first meeting with the witches, and is also the first time the audience sees or experiences the witches’ supernatural abilities.   â€Å"All hail to thee, Thane of Cowdor, All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter†.   The witches predict Macbeth’s future and tell him that he shall become the Thane of Cowdor and then king. The rest of the play is based on this supernatural happening. After learning that Macbeth is to become King of Scotland the play follows Macbeth’s plot to get rid off King Duncan and then Macbeth’s life after the murder.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Esther and Book of Job Comparison Essay
In one of the assigned readings, I came across story of a Jewish woman named Esther who had suffered from cancer. The uniqueness of her journey touched me incredibly when I learned about her own personal struggle with the disease. It is an amazing but sad story in the sense that Esther copes with her cancer in a shame related way, believing that she is suffering from her sins. Esther is unhappily married and ends up having an affair with her boss, and she perceives cancer as a punishment from God for her sin. As told in the story written by Dr, Jerome Groopman in book the â€Å"The Anatomy of Hope†, Esther waits quite a long time before seeking treatment, and her tumor is very large before she decides to receive medical attention. The author of the books shares his own experience as a resident in the hospital, getting into depth about her family issues, problems, and reactions to her illness. Esher’s character can be compared with similar reading from the bible called â€Å"Book of Job†in that both characters believe to be suffering by the hand of Satan, although this is not true in reality. In this particular reading, Satan comes to accuse wealthy Job before God. He insists that Job only serves God because God protects him, and Satan seeks God’s permission to test Job’s faith and loyalty. In Satan’s test, Job loses his wealth, family and health. Three of his friends come to try to comfort him and keep telling him that his tragedy is a punishment for past sins in his life. At this point, I was able to notice similarities to Esther’s experience in that she saw cancer as punishment for her infidelity. In the old testament of the Bible, Job’s friends tell him that he needs to remain humble and allow God to purify his life. Like Job, Esther is torn between believing in God’s punishment and willing to bet better. At first, she seeks the treatment way too late, but at least she does. She shares her secret with Dr. Groopman within a health venting session, also part of the healing process, and at this part we get to know Esther as a person not just as patient. Furthermore, after the dinner at Esther’s house and the significance of her husband’s prayer, Esther feels so guilty that she never follows up with her appointment and stops the rest of the treatment. Like Job, Esther is torn apart by her belief that she should suffer and often loses the will to place faith in God and hope for better health. The story of Esther ends tragically due to Esther’s unyielding feelings of guilt. She lost the battle with cancer and died after receiving treatment in the most advanced stage of the disease. On the other side, in the Bible, Job questions God and learns the valuable lesson about the sovereignty of God and his need to trust in Lord. After Job places trust in God, his prosperity and health returns. Here is where Esther and Job differ. While Job regains his faith and his prosperity, Esther is continually haunted by shame and consequently loses her health. I think that God’s desire was to purify Esther, and that could be reason behind her disease, but Esther not seeking treatment was her own negative way of coping with the sin. Esther did not believe in God’s will, for her to be purified, and she suffered until her death. In my opinion, Esther was so focused on the idea of punishment that she missed the whole point of purifying her soul. I think of God as the greatest, and it is hard for me to believe that our Lord would want Esther to suffer without the treatment. Job in the bible submitted himself to God and regained his lost goods, but Esther did what she believed was right but she ended up dying at the end. Esther did not want to receive chemotherapy thinking she did not deserve it, and her mind was full of doubt. Both characters achieved purity at the end, but Esther’s was not aware of it. She allowed punishment and suffering to continue. The lesson from the bible is that we need to trust and obey God. Some things cannot be thoroughly explained in human terms, but we still need to always submit to His good will.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
010 Research and Bib Professor Ramos Blog
010 Research and Bib Research Quick Write Why do we research? Research Scholarly research is research that is published by people with specialized knowledge on what they are researching. It is peer reviewed, reviewed by other researchers and specialist in the field, and is generally trustworthy. Blogs, Newspapers, Magazines are not Scholarly but are popular sources. No subscription needed. Good place to look at the main issues around a topic. Occupational Outlook Handbook The OOH can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations. Google Scholar Google academic database search. Great place to start. Quick Write How would you feel if someone used your ideas or work without giving you credit? Annotated Bibliography Chapter 11 in our textbook explains the purpose of an annotated bib. An annotated bib is a works cited or references page with additional information added to each citation. You begin with the correct reference citation for your sources. For this assignment we will have at least five sources. Here is a good explanation of citations in MLA. Here is the format: Author(s). â€Å"Article Title.† Source, vol. #, no. #, season year, pp. xx-xx. Database, URL. Example: Kong, Les. â€Å"Business Sources for Education Majors.† Education Graduate Students Journal, vol. 75, no. 4, 2014, pp. 12-19. JSTOR, To each entry you will add the annotation, the paragraph or two that explains the source, why you are using it, and its reliability. Each professor you will have in the future may have specific guidelines for what to include in an annotated bibliographic entry. Always follow their instructions. For this assignment, you should include: Summary of Source, 2-4 sentences How you are using it in your report, 1-3 sentences Reliability of source, 1-3 sentences In total, you should have a short paragraph, 4-10 sentences, explaining the three points above. Sources for Review 1-2 Primary texts 1-2+ Scholarly sources 1-2+ Popular sources 4 sources minimum. The New Jim Crow We read the New Jim Crow article for today. What is a caste? What is the purpose of prisons? What is Jim Crow? What is the New Jim Crow?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Security cameras Essays - Surveillance, Video Surveillance
Security cameras Essays - Surveillance, Video Surveillance Thesis: Security cameras are one of the most reliable sources of evidence. The only privacy violation that could occour would make the person controlling the camera footage liable. I. Why Security Cameras are not a security violation? Valid evidence when in court of law People feel monitored so they watch thier actions preventing them from making bad decisions Owners of the cameras can monitor what people are doing which can show them flaws in the building II. How to prevent Security issues on Security Cameras Have a background check on anyone using them Make sure they have no criminal record Don't put security cameras in places like locker rooms and bathrooms III. Who Qualfies to run a Camera No criminal record Trustworthy Trusted enough not to leak footage or use the footage wrongly. Introduction: Many invividuals believe that security cameras can cause privacy issues, however I believe that it is not the camera that causes issues and that it is the man behind them that does. Security cameras are one of the most realiable sources of evidence. The only privacy violation that could occur would make the person controlling the camera footage liable. In my opinion, more good than bad comes from security cameras. Conclusion: Based on teh explaniations I have given above, I believe that security cameras do not give privacy issues but instead are beneficial to building owners with them installed.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Torture during the Algerian War and its relevance on the War on Terror
Torture during the Algerian War and its relevance on the War on Terror During the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962), the French forces mercilessly tortured their opponents. Although the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) also tortured their enemies, the French military use of torture was more widespread.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Torture during the Algerian War and its relevance on the War on Terror specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Torture is defined as â€Å"any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person, punishing him for an act he or a third person has done†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (United Nations, para.3). The French experience during the Algerian war proves that the use of torture, though regrettable, is important to defeat successfully terrorist organizations around the world. Therefore, is the use of torture justifiable in some instances? The military combat of the FLN was being propelled by self-determination and the French state was equally determined to win the war. The French forces did not acknowledge that the colonial conflict was indeed a war, as this would recognize their opponents as a legitimate entity; therefore, it was until August 1999 that they stopped calling it â€Å"fight against terrorism.†That is why although France was bound by the Geneva conventions it had signed in 1951; it consistently used brutal warfare tactics in fighting against the FLN. As shown by the experience of the French military during the Algerian war, torture is a good way of gaining timely and relevant information from terrorists. For example, in an imaginary situation when a terrorist has planted a nuclear bomb in Washington City, the detonation is going to take place in the next forty-five minutes, and cause widespread destruction. However, when the terrorist is captured, although he knows the exact location of the bomb, he is not g iving any relevant information. What is the best thing to do in such a scenario? Is he left to go scot-free because torturing him will interfere with his â€Å"human rights?†If the individual is not forced to give out the vital information, then thousands of innocent lives are at risk. In such an instance, the choice of the use of torture is allowable in order to acquire certain life-saving information that could not be retrieved easily. Therefore, the use of torture as a tool in the global War on Terror is important in defeating terrorist groups around the world. Concerning this issue, Levin states, â€Å"there are situations in where torture is not only permissible, but morally mandatory†(para.2). Levin illustrates how liberal societies do not allow the use of torture, and how other governments fear the fury of the United Nations if they are suspected of using or even planning to use it; however, he gives a different opinion on this attitude. Levin terms the use of torture as â€Å"a weapon that is important in winning the War on Terror.†At one point, he addresses the above imaginary situation by saying, â€Å"if you caught the terrorist, could you sleep nights, knowing that millions died because you could not bring yourself to apply the electrodes?†(para.4). Some people argue that the use of torture against terrorists is unconstitutional; however, the thousands of lives lost after a terrorist incident far outweighs issues of constitutionality.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More More so, is the use of torture barbaric? The many innocent lives lost due to negligence is more barbaric (Buchanan, para.2).Therefore, the use of torture is permissible in extreme cases since in some intricate situations, it is a matter of balancing between mass murder and the life of one or a few people. As Levin puts it, â€Å"letting millions of innocents die in deference to one who flaunts his guilt is moral cowardice, unwillingness to dirty one’s hands†(para.4). According to this statement, if harsh interrogation tactics can be used as a way of protecting the lives of the innocent, then no one should shy from using them when it is necessary. When a nation fails to use torture, it puts thousands of lives at risk due to terrorist threats. This makes the nation to portray the same cowardice being portrayed by the terrorists. During the Algerian war, the French military did not shy off from torturing the terrorists who were potentially dangerous. If these harsh tactics could be used, then the strategies used by terrorists to wreak havoc could have been discovered by now. Assuming that a victim does not die after he or she has been harshly interrogated, the victim will less likely commit the same crime. Currently, most of the interrogation methods available are laughable and dumb. The French soldiers successively used torture to extract vital information from their opponents. These punishments were meant to ensure that the victims either co-operated with them or confessed some of the enemy schemes. In some circumstances, the use of torture, besides being essential, is the only available option. For example, in 1994, an Israeli was held captive by some Palestinian terrorists. After searching for clues, the Israeli police detained the driver of the car, which was used for carrying out the attack. For them to get the information about the whereabouts of the kidnappers, they were compelled to torture the driver to extract some useful information from him. This is just one example of how torture as played a significant role in the war against terrorism. The Algerian war induced the French military to use torture against its opponents. The French troops were in a difficult situation since most of the time it was not easy to differentiate their opponents from civilians at first sight. This situation was worsened by the fact that their opponents rarely wore easily identifiable war clothes. More so, the civilians were well informed of enemy movements; thus, most of the time they were under suspicion from the French military.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Torture during the Algerian War and its relevance on the War on Terror specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During the war, every French soldier was obliged to be alert and give all the relevant information about the enemy by collecting all the vital intelligence information (Branche, 548). Therefore, to achieve this, the soldiers sometimes tortured their opponents. Against this background, torture was permitted as a way of combating the increasing threat of terrorists’ activities. Though the use of harsh tactics is regrettable, it is good way of gathering intelligence information about the movement of terrorists around the world. Another reas on why the French used torture during the Algerian war was to provide it with all the necessary resources for the protection of its citizenry. When a country wants to preserve a strong national security, it is obliged to use harsh interrogation methods as the best alternative. In a situation when torture is used, prompted by the urge to save innocent lives, by just getting vital information from one individual, then it should be justifiable. The nation of France had always upheld principles of freedom, from freedom of speech to freedom of religion. Nevertheless, when the safety of its citizens was under threat, it had to sacrifice some of its rights. This was to make the country as safe as possible because insurgents could easily enter the country from Algeria. These rights, which were sacrificed, ensured that its citizens at home and army in the combat zone were safe from acts of terrorism. As much as the use of harsh interrogations can be considered as an inhumane practice, it sho uld be used when the need arises. To fight the growing insurgency in the world, torture is a vital tool that can be used effectively to achieve this. The formal arguments against the use of torture are absolute; they state that it has no exceptions. This widely held statement is not true because it is a misguided opinion that always comes from social commentators. This type of absolutist has created a void between good intentions and good consequences. As mush as the use of torture sounds inhumane, it is necessary to defeat successfully terrorist organizations around the world. In extreme circumstances, as experienced by the French military, radical measures ought to be done to avoid mass murder. If this consists of making a terrorist to feel pain in order to preserve thousands of innocent lives, then it is permissible. However, it is important to note that torture is more beneficial when used as a means of preventing future evils, rather than as a form of punishment. Terrorism will not be completely obliterated from the face of the earth if individuals settle down and stop making efforts to win the War on Terror. The use of torture, in extreme cases, is one way of making efforts to win the war.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Branche, Raphaelle. â€Å"Torture of terrorists? Use of torture in a â€Å"war against terrorism†: justifications, methods, and effects: the case of France in Algeria.†International Review of the Red Cross 89.867 (2007): 543-560. Print. Buchanan, Patrick J. â€Å"The case for torture.†Worldnetdaily. 10 March 2010. Web. Levin, Michael. â€Å"The case for torture.†People.brandeis. N.d. Web. United Nations. â€Å"Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.†UN convention. 10 Dec. 1987. Web.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Urban planning & landscape architecture in Jeddah Saudi Arabia Essay
Urban planning & landscape architecture in Jeddah Saudi Arabia - Essay Example By the mid-fifties, the vital requirement for new lodgings has already led to the manufacture of the first houses in Jeddah and substitute of concrete for the customary coral blocks as the rudimentary construction material.As in less than three decades of unassuming dealing village was turned into a gigantic rambling metropolis, the outstanding development, regrettably, is regulated only by morsels and parts from diverse designing principles.When these new building components were presented, the buildings of customary residences have halted, and architecture took a distinct form. For the most part easily answer to the claims and stresses of up to date life, and in the system precious and viable value of old Jeddah have been disregarded. Turker, M. and E. Derenyi, 2000 There was no time to recognize that the evaluation of old and new and purposeful integration and can have its advantages. Instead of the customary localities of the town were either taken or left to worsen, while Wester n-style residential and financial localities of the town were constructed on the periphery. Now Saudi Arabia is seeking to retrieve these balances previous time, what additional can be save, and hold not less than some of the customary quarter of the old City until it was too late. Jeddah After Riyadh Jeddah is the second biggest town in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a community of over three million people. Jeddah is situated on the west seaboard area of the Kingdom of amalgamation latitude 29.21 north latitude and 39.7 east in the center of the to the east Red Sea seaboard area and the surrounding flat lands Tahoma from the east. Jeddah has seen a pointed boost in community due to migration from villages and suburbs of the town in seek of work and a better life. In supplement, the decrease in death in the UK directed to a natural boost of population. Where there were only 700,000 inhabitants in 1975, by 2006 this number had increased to more than three million people. According to 2004 plan of Jeddah Structure, there was a boost in the mean yearly community development rate from 0, 9% in 1940 to 6, and 3% in 2002. There were an boost in the Saudi community is about 50% in 1995 to about 70% in 2001 and declines in non-Saudi community of about 50% in 1995 to about 30% in 2001 (Municipality of Jeddah 2004). With fast community development, Jeddah built-up localities have increased. In specific, the mass of Jeddah town expanded from 56 sq km in1968 to 1,378 rectangle kilometers in 2002 (Municipality of Jeddah 2004). Urban development has been important to the south and north. This development was the outcome of natural obstacles, while at ocean in the west and hills to the east. Turker, M. and E. Derenyi, 2000 Various undertakings have been evolved and developed in the city. Earth was conceived five milestones in Jeddah: four functional designs taken up in: 1948, 1972, 1979 and 1987 and Structure Plan 2004. City outlook of the town was considerably influenced by these plans. As an outcome, localized administration, Jeddah town, its designing department, in specific, faces trials in supervising and updating of built-up land cover. Traditional procedures for getting facts and numbers for built-up remedy will need a important allowance of time, effort and cash to quickly increasing towns for example Jeddah. However, the span to which isolated feeling can be utilized for the extraction of built-up cover should be investigated. Land use planning In land use designing, these facts and numbers are very apt for supervising the implementation of land use designs, thus, a huge locality of jurisdiction of the whole boundary town of Jeddah. It is conspicuous that the tendency of built-up development and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discoure Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discoure Analysis - Essay Example The video shows how the power of a celebrity woman can be a reckoning force of change to the world. Angelina earns damehood with the queen for making a rare effort to contest a topic that has never been presented in the international summit (The Guardian, 2014). On the other hand, Eman Mohammed’s video on Ted Talk uncovers a gender-biased culture in Gaza. The video portrays a part of the world where a particular gender is not allowed to access certain areas. Eman is the only female photojournalist who works with male colleagues who marginalize her in the line of duty because of her gender. The video critiques unfair gender norms that exist in the community through a shocking revelation of hidden stories. Both videos depict a world that discriminates against women, but with powerful institutions that are ready to change the existing norms during a time of conflict. Both videos utilize a language that displays courage and confidence geared towards challenging the social norms existing in the world. Angelina Jolie’s gets her damehood, but she is not contented that the sexual violence is still an issue of concern in integral parts of the world. She vows to overcome international barriers by presenting in a global summit and using her celebrity figure to speak for sexual violence victims. Eman Mohammed makes a decision to appear in Ted Talk and ability to make a niche in a media career that is dominated by men. She narrates the hidden stories in the Gaza strip and exposes a community where she was bred on Ted Talk. Ted Talk is an international platform that attracts an audience from a large part of the globe. The platform does not deter her from telling the world about her challenges as a woman in her career as a photojournalist. Angelina Jolie is a female participant in the video that gets her an honorary recognition from the Queen of Birmingham. She plays the role of a sexual violence campaigner and a humanitarian for a topic that has haunted
Look at each questions, and answer the questions Essay
Look at each questions, and answer the questions - Essay Example , increased production levels, efficiency and employment all together positively impact the economics of free trade country as it results in rising living standards and increased real incomes (Edge, n.d.). In case of global or regional economic recession, the country’s economy is more dependent on global economy and therefore it is less stable in terms of export incomes, GDP, and employment in export-oriented industries. In the developing countries free trade has a high risk of â€Å"eating†smaller national producers/companies by large international giants as competition between these two parties would not be equal. In case there are no measures undertaken by government in order to protect national producer/manufacturer there is a high risk of occupation of the market by foreign goods (Edge, n.d.). (b) Assume that two countries are competitors in the international trade markets. The two governments are thinking about whether it is profitable to adopt a free trade policy or not. The entries in the table below are showing (in millions of pounds) the gains of each policy. Find the Nash equilibrium. Analyse how you conclude to your answer. The table below illustrates, that when there are imposed restrictions (tariffs) for both countries, both A and B countries lose. If country A introduces free trade policy, then country B will be better off with imposed restrictions as it gets 70 million of pounds with restrictions and only 60 million with free trade. If country A imposes restrictions, then country B is better off with high tariffs, as it will get 20 million of pounds with free trade and 30 million with imposed restrictions. If country B introduces free trade, then country A is better off with free trade as it will get 60 million with free trade and 20 million with imposed restrictions. If country B imposes restrictions, then country A is better off with imposed restrictions, as it gets 30 million imposed restrictions and only 20 million from free trade. The
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Geographies of war, occupation, resistance, and terrorism Essay - 1
Geographies of war, occupation, resistance, and terrorism - Essay Example It goes without saying that most the Arab World has thrown their weight behind Palestine while the US and its Western allies are behind Israel. In June 7, 1981, Israel had attacked and crippled a nuclear reactor before it became operational in a town near Baghdad. Although it claimed self defense, it came under intense criticism even from US their main allies. Much later, the same strategy was used by US to lead a foreign invasion on Iraq under the guise of different reasons (Kramer & Michalowski, 2005). This paper then will try to answer the question why the US invaded Iraq under Bush administration. Plausible Explanation for the Invasion There are many official justifications that were offered by the Bush administration for its invasion of Iraq. The three main ones were that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, had strong ties with al-Qaeda which all turned to be false after the invasion. The third one was that the sectarian US government was trying to bring democracy in Baghdad. However, unofficially, there are other plausible explanations include control of oil fields and business and for strategic interests. Another explanation that has been overtly explored in the recent past is the assertion that the Israel government and its key supporters in US government caused the Iraq Invasion (Mearsheimer & Walt, 2006). Israel has been over the recent past been dominated by right wing governments and their policies have been supported by their US supporters and have led increased tensions in the Arab world and needless human suffering. However, the idea of invading Iraq is not one of their agendas because it had no value to Israel and if anything it only increased hostility towards Israel in the region (Robert, 2002). It is true that this invasion was supported by many Israel sympathizers and a majority of US Congress members of Jewish origin voted in favor of war resolution together with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Indeed, AIPAC had long been touted as an ardent lobbying and supporter of US invasion of Iraq. Although AIPAC had enormous influence on the matters pertaining to the Israel-Palestinian conflict when it came to congressional voting, it had no role in lobbying for the invasion of Iraq. This was largely due to the knowledge that there was an enormous bipartisan support within the US government to invade oil rich Iraq. There were more powerful interests by the US government than the interests of AIPAC in this country like the arms industry, oil deals among other special interests. As such, these interests from the US government and other lobbyist far outweighed the interests of the Zionist lobby groups (Stephen, 2013). Many people and political analysts have tried to point to Israel as the prime suspect for the invasion by quoting many American Zionists and Israeli officials. However, those who are quoted in support of the invasion had expressed their sentiments after the decision to invade Iraq had been arr ived at in 2002. The invasion intended back then was a two thronged attack which later would be extended to Iran later. What this means is that the Israel lobby groups and the Israeli government was willing to procure public support for an invasion campaign which the Bush led US government had independently determined to undertake. In addition, the Bush administration was an ardent supporter of Israel course of actions in its
SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN - Essay Example Before creating an effective campaign, you need to understand people or the customers that you are trying to reach. This Understanding needs to go beyond the common demographic information, and that is in terms of education age and gender. For instance, by implementing thoughtful an effective social media campaign, try to adopt the latest media site so as to reach a lot of people. Always the desire to promote a one on one talk should be there (creative, retrieved on March 3, 2015). Social media is all about engaging and participating, monitoring and listening and then pushing forward to achieve your goal. Having a plan, the next thing is to create the content. Social media competition is all about the content of the product or service given. Great content is achieved through understanding your space on the social media and uncovering trends. Finally, be clear in order to offer a fresh perspective too. This will promote the business and intern raise your ranking on the site. With the content at hand, there will be a need to determine where the content will be on the site. Position of the content on the site helps customer know where to find what they need. URL, title tag, the writers of content are just but the example of what customer will find there. With the three steps above; you will need to spread or have an advertisement of it. Creating optimal is achieved by making sure that the information is shared quickly with a click of a button. A repacked message being at the fingertips, it will be easy for someone to share the information with a friend but only if the information is relevant, interesting and exciting. It is time for the content you have to get the promotion in this section. The main goal here is to build links that will promote directly the new content rather than linking directly to the sites homepage. It can be achieved by announcing the content on the social sites and promoting the it via social media and finally posting a
The Genesis of Faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Genesis of Faith - Essay Example Noah is depicted as a righteous and blameless man. He loved God wholeheartedly and practiced obedience. In his life, he had stable faith only in God. Out of faith, Noah built a large boat and did so by obeying God’s warning to him about mysterious floods that were to happen. Noah rebuked the whole world, and from the faith he became righteous. Abraham and Sarah: Abraham is depicted as an obedient and faithful servant of God. God commanded him to take with him his only beloved son Isaac and offer him as a burnt sacrifice. When he was about to sacrifice him, God intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice. Out of faith, Sarah Abraham’s wife was able to have a child despite being barren and too old to conceive. However, she doubted faith in God just like any other human being but God fulfilled His promise of giving her a child. Sarah’s faith inspires every person who easily loses hope in life.Isaac is known as the miracle child of Abraham and Sarah and a man of faith. Faith reigned in Isaac’s entire life and he practiced it in his marriage with Rebekah. By faith, he promised his sons Jacob and Esau future blessings.Jacob was liar and manipulator but he knew God and he was renamed Israel. Out of faith, despite being old he blessed each of Joseph’s sons and worshiped while leaning on his staff. Leaning is of significance in this context because Jacob had spent his entire life limping after wrestling with God and being broken. He then gave his life to God who took control over it.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Geographies of war, occupation, resistance, and terrorism Essay - 1
Geographies of war, occupation, resistance, and terrorism - Essay Example It goes without saying that most the Arab World has thrown their weight behind Palestine while the US and its Western allies are behind Israel. In June 7, 1981, Israel had attacked and crippled a nuclear reactor before it became operational in a town near Baghdad. Although it claimed self defense, it came under intense criticism even from US their main allies. Much later, the same strategy was used by US to lead a foreign invasion on Iraq under the guise of different reasons (Kramer & Michalowski, 2005). This paper then will try to answer the question why the US invaded Iraq under Bush administration. Plausible Explanation for the Invasion There are many official justifications that were offered by the Bush administration for its invasion of Iraq. The three main ones were that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, had strong ties with al-Qaeda which all turned to be false after the invasion. The third one was that the sectarian US government was trying to bring democracy in Baghdad. However, unofficially, there are other plausible explanations include control of oil fields and business and for strategic interests. Another explanation that has been overtly explored in the recent past is the assertion that the Israel government and its key supporters in US government caused the Iraq Invasion (Mearsheimer & Walt, 2006). Israel has been over the recent past been dominated by right wing governments and their policies have been supported by their US supporters and have led increased tensions in the Arab world and needless human suffering. However, the idea of invading Iraq is not one of their agendas because it had no value to Israel and if anything it only increased hostility towards Israel in the region (Robert, 2002). It is true that this invasion was supported by many Israel sympathizers and a majority of US Congress members of Jewish origin voted in favor of war resolution together with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Indeed, AIPAC had long been touted as an ardent lobbying and supporter of US invasion of Iraq. Although AIPAC had enormous influence on the matters pertaining to the Israel-Palestinian conflict when it came to congressional voting, it had no role in lobbying for the invasion of Iraq. This was largely due to the knowledge that there was an enormous bipartisan support within the US government to invade oil rich Iraq. There were more powerful interests by the US government than the interests of AIPAC in this country like the arms industry, oil deals among other special interests. As such, these interests from the US government and other lobbyist far outweighed the interests of the Zionist lobby groups (Stephen, 2013). Many people and political analysts have tried to point to Israel as the prime suspect for the invasion by quoting many American Zionists and Israeli officials. However, those who are quoted in support of the invasion had expressed their sentiments after the decision to invade Iraq had been arr ived at in 2002. The invasion intended back then was a two thronged attack which later would be extended to Iran later. What this means is that the Israel lobby groups and the Israeli government was willing to procure public support for an invasion campaign which the Bush led US government had independently determined to undertake. In addition, the Bush administration was an ardent supporter of Israel course of actions in its
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Genesis of Faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Genesis of Faith - Essay Example Noah is depicted as a righteous and blameless man. He loved God wholeheartedly and practiced obedience. In his life, he had stable faith only in God. Out of faith, Noah built a large boat and did so by obeying God’s warning to him about mysterious floods that were to happen. Noah rebuked the whole world, and from the faith he became righteous. Abraham and Sarah: Abraham is depicted as an obedient and faithful servant of God. God commanded him to take with him his only beloved son Isaac and offer him as a burnt sacrifice. When he was about to sacrifice him, God intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice. Out of faith, Sarah Abraham’s wife was able to have a child despite being barren and too old to conceive. However, she doubted faith in God just like any other human being but God fulfilled His promise of giving her a child. Sarah’s faith inspires every person who easily loses hope in life.Isaac is known as the miracle child of Abraham and Sarah and a man of faith. Faith reigned in Isaac’s entire life and he practiced it in his marriage with Rebekah. By faith, he promised his sons Jacob and Esau future blessings.Jacob was liar and manipulator but he knew God and he was renamed Israel. Out of faith, despite being old he blessed each of Joseph’s sons and worshiped while leaning on his staff. Leaning is of significance in this context because Jacob had spent his entire life limping after wrestling with God and being broken. He then gave his life to God who took control over it.
Drug Abuse Essay Example for Free
Drug Abuse Essay An estimated 12. 8 million Americans, about 6 percent of the household population aged twelve and older, use illegal drugs on a current basis (www. ncjrs. gov). Over the years the abuse of psychoactive drugs has become a persistent issue effecting individuals worldwide. Psychoactive Drugs are substances that change a person’s mood, perception, mental functioning and behavior (Understanding Psychology pg 142). These drugs are often ingested to alter an individuals feelings or to help them cope with their problems. However the â€Å"high†that they receive does not remain long, resulting in the continuous use of the drug to remain feeling that â€Å"high†. Nevertheless the ongoing abuse of these drugs may lead to these individuals developing a tolerance for the drug. This results to the individual becoming dependant upon the drug. This dependence is known as addiction. Nicotine, â€Å"Crack†Cocaine and Alcohol, are the most dangerous and addictive psychoactive drugs. Other commonly abused drugs are Amphetamines, Prescription Medication, Heroin, Ecstasy, and Marijuana. In the movie Rain substance abuse was seen numerous of times. Rain’s mother, and her best friend all showed signs of substance abuse or dependency. The movie showed how Drug abuse and addiction affects the society at large. However once a person becomes addicted there are ways to help them so that they can recover and be productive in society. Before I discuss the various ways to help a substance abuse recover, I will elaborate on how the addict harms themselves, as well as their families and the society.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Impact of Hauora on a Maori Client
The Impact of Hauora on a Maori Client Analyse what effect each one of the following would have on the hauora of a Maori client. 1).Shame Shame is a feeling of guilty or embarrassed by any individual. In healthcare facilities if clients feel shame or embarrassment it will be hard for a Caregiver to provide proper treatment or care for the client. If client feels shame or embarrassed, it will create a significant barrier between a client and care providers and if this happens, care givers won't be able to figure out what a client is thinking or what problem he/she is having. For example; if a client is having some disease or problem which he/she is feeling ashamed of telling to a caregiver than it will affect his holistic well being because care providers won't be able to collect proper data and as a result the right and proper care will not be given to a client. So as a care provider we should encourage client to be open and share his thoughts and feeling. 2).Self Abasement A client who feels self abasement will start to feel that is he is not good enough compared to others and it can lead them to depression and they will withdrawal from social relationship. It will affect the entire Whanau mentally. This person will neglect communication and isolate him from everyone. Therefore the client will not look after himself by not taking medicines or he/she may start eating unhealthy food. 3).Withdrawal A person who withdraw themselves from social relationship mostly go into depression and isolate them from Whanau (family) or friends. If this happens, the care providers in healthcare facilities will not be able to provide right care for a client so social support is very important in this case. For example family should be support the client as well as caregiver to implement the proper treatment by gathering right data from the client. 4).Feeling Misunderstood Some clients may feel they are misunderstood and as a result they feel ashamed or embarrassed. They even sometimes withdraw themselves from others feeling that they are not good enough. As a result it will affect their health because they will hide their feeling and thoughts. So as a caregiver we should always respect other's culture and dignity. For example every healthcare facilities should have a Maori support worker to communicate with Maori client to gather more information and to protect their dignity. 1.2 From the following five(5) situation of whakama, select any four (4)and analyse the impact of each one within a hauora context. 1).One to one consultation with a health worker Some clients feel uncomfortable with one to one consultation with health worker. For some cases health worker need to ask personal and intimate questions to client to get accurate information about the client. A client may feel ashamed or embarrassed to answer personal question which can affect the health of a patient. In this case health worker will not get accurate data from the client to plan good care. For example, sometimes female client feel uncomfortable by the health worker when they are doing physical examination by touching. So health worker should first introduce themselves, ask permission before touching a client with Whanau and a client itself. 2).Group consultation with a health worker As some clients may be not comfortable with one to one consultation there are few clients who may feel uncomfortable with group consultation with health worker. Client may feel ashamed or embarrassed or may be depressed to enclose their personal information to people there are not very well aware of. For example, client feel embarrassed to share their health condition in front of family members because family members are not very supportive. So again health worker will not be able to find out enough information to plan proper health care for the client. to overcome this situation health worker should first ensure that is it fine with the client for group consultation. 3).One to one consultation with a health worker of a different gender Gender has a substantial impact on outcome as well as process level in health care. Most of the clients feel shy/embarrassed to share their personal information or diseases they may have with opposite gender.Some client and health worker naturally shy and fell uncomfortable when asking or answering questions with opposite gender. When a male health worker is doing a physical examination to a female client both parties may feel uncomfortable. It is important for health organization to train primary health worker how to break down barriers between themselves and client in gender differences to generate proper care for a client. 4).Group consultation with a health worker of a different gender During group consultation with a health worker of a different gender can be more embarrassment for a client. Client normally feel shy or feel uncomfortable to give information in a group consultation. Client may feel awkward or ashamed to enclose their personal information in a group or in front of family or friends. So again health worker will find it difficult to gather information regarding to health issues they have and it can create difficulties for health worker to give accurate care. 1.3 Identify and analyse two (2) adverse socia-cultural and two (2) socia-economic factors which could cause whakama and affect hauora outcomes for Maori. Adverse socia-cultural factor one For Maori health wellbeing there are four walls of strong house. First one is te taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), second,te taha hinengaro (mental wellbeing),third, te taha tinana (physical wellbeing), and fourth, te taha whanau (family wellbeing). However some MÄ ori client may find difficulties to express their traditional values or spiritual aspect with people who are unware of their culture. Therefore, they may felt embarrassed to share their thoughts and feeling in front of them. Clients fear that may be misunderstood by others.A Maori client is considered unwell if any of these four foundations are weak. For Maori to be healthy all these foundations should be strong. Adverse socia-cultural factor two Maori so many traditional and spiritual values and food is one of them. Food plays major role in maori socia-cultural activities and it's not only determines physical health but also emotional, psychological and spiritual wellness. Clients who are at health care facilities may feel depressed, or might withdraw themselves because Maori clients believe that their traditional food is total wellness and happiness. As a result client may stop eating food in facilities which can affect their health. health workers should encourage family members and friends to bring traditional foods once a week to make them happy. Adverse socia-economic factor one Education is one of the socia-economic factor that can affect hauora outcomes for Maori client. Clients who does not receive proper education may feel inferior. They may also feel shy/embarrassed to share their feelings, and thought with people fearing been misunderstood. In this situation a client may mentally and emotionally disturbed which will directly affect the health. health workers should encourage clients to share their thoughts and feelings and also family members can support them to decrease the percentage of whakama. Adverse socia-economic factor two Not every client have a same economic status, some are rich and some are poor. Clients who have lower economic status always feel down to themselves and feel depressed to share their thoughts and feeling with health worker, fearing the expenses of the treatment. They may feel embarrassed of their current economic status which will be very hard for health workers to find out what medical problems they facing. Task 2 Determine the implications of identified impacts of whakama on hauora outcomes. 2.1 a). Identify three (3) negative hauora implications of whakama and how they impact on hauora outcomes. b). Identify three (3) positive hauora implications of whakama, and how they impact on hauora outcomes. Negative outcome one (Feeling of inferiority/ lack of education) Many clients who are in health care facilities are not educated or didn't receive proper education. This can lead to whakama for example, they feel depressed or withdraw themselves from others. Emotionally they feel that they are different from others and avoid expressing their thoughts and feeling with caregivers. Negative outcome two (Feeling embarrassment while practicing cultural rituals) Maori clients are very much attached with their traditional and cultural value. So client believe that traditional practice are good for wellbeing and to make them happy. But they feel embarrassed or shy to practice it the facility because of others judgment. Negative outcome three (Withdrawal) Some clients who are unfamiliar with a facilities environment usually withdraw themselves from others. If this happens than they stop interacting with other's and health workers because they feel unease while they stay there. It can affect their health. Positive outcome one (Include whanau in client care plan) To decrease whakama in client healthcare workers should identify there whakama and include whanau in care plan to support client to feel happy and relaxed. For clients holistic wellbeing family and friend's should support healthcare workers to minimize the whakama of their client. Maori are always very attached to their whanau. Positive outcome two Employee MÄ ori staffs in healthcare facilities. Some Maori clients may not be able to speak proper English which can make them feel depressed so the healthcare facilities should employee MÄ ori staffs who can communicate with the client in their own language to know what are their thoughts and feeling. Positive outcome three Clients at healthcare facilities have difficulties with hearing so caregivers should speak softly and slowly with them so that they can understand you better. Always give information to a client before doing any care so that they will be aware of what you going to do.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
John Steinbecks In Dubious Battle Essay -- Dubious Battle John Steinb
John Steinbeck's "In Dubious Battle" Summary This story opens with the main character named Jim Nolan leaving behind his former life and going to meet Harry Nilson, a leader of the "Party." Jim had a father killed in a riot, a mother who died, and a sister that was missing. He wants to join the "Party" because he wants to do something that will give his life meaning. He is accepted, and is introduced to other members of the party. The next day, Jim accompanies Mac McLeod to Torgas Valley to help workers organize a strike against the orchard owners in the valley. They meet a restaurant car owner named Al, who gives them food for free. Jim and Mac get off the train and meet a group of people. They help a woman named Lisa who is in labor deliver a baby. This event is important in the story, because this leads to the trust that Jim and Mac receive from all the other workers. They also meet London, the father-in-law of Lisa, who they will trust to lead the strike that they start. The workers already have a lo w mood, and when an old apple-picker falls out of a tree, the workers no longer wish to work in concern of their health. The workers start to strike, and assemble on the land of Al’s father, in exchange for picking his crop for free. London is charismatic, and takes the ideas from Mac to lead the strike. What will be the fate of the strikers, and what will Jim accomplish with his newly acquired skills? Sketch 1 Jim Nolan is a character who has always been angry at some type of institution throughout his life, which causes him to join the "Party." He is young, and goes from being an apprentice to a leader. He is keen and brave, which emanate from his innate leadership ability. Sketch 2 Mac McLeod is a seasoned veteran of the "red" work, as he knows more about fieldwork than anyone else does. He is an older character, who has broad shoulders, long arms, and dried and cracked lips. He uses his experience to lead and organize the men that he works with. Sketch 3 Joy is an enforcer who contributes to the "Party" by sacrificing his body in taking chronic beatings. He is a short man with a disfigured face. He is typified by some as not too bright and insane by others; he is very pugnacious, as he is willing to fight anyone. Sketch 4 London is a working stiff who is able to command... ... book included the strikers’ raid on the replacement workers, for it illustrated the roles of the different groups involved, such as the police, the vigilantes, the strikers and the scabs. Another intense portion of the book was that of the strikers’ raid on the apple orchard in which they attacked their replacements, for it showed the type of brutality that the strikers could carry out to send their message. The scene where Mac tortures a young boy who was caught around Anderson’s barn when it was set on fire is also a very intense scene. The aspect of the book that I did not care for was that of their being no explanation of what happened after the strike was resolved. It would have been interesting to learn about the type of effect that the strike had on the people, as well as what type of change occurred among them. Because of the interesting perspectives that this book provides, I would recommend that others read it. I would especially recommend this boo k to those who do not fully understand the power of the group and how it can be manipulated by its leaders, because the book goes into great detail of how this is accomplished. I would give this book a four star rating ****.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
What Style Do I Have? :: Writing Education Essays
What Style Do I Have? A paper on style. What style's are going on around me? What style do I use? What is my written style? And what is my spoken style? In this English class, the style is the anti-Official Style. The Official Style has become a plague that everyone runs from. While running we develop our own style. In psychology class, or history or geography class, it is usually the Official Style. It's as if the professors say "I have a PhD, so it is necessary that I communicate in a fashion that will accentuate the intelligence that I have acquired from years of studious behavior." What is my style? My style is a "not trying to be official style" style. It's like starting to relearn a language a person was born into and forgot. The two languages start to intermingle. Some words are in one language and some in the other. The official style is similar. Some sentences are not written in the official style and some seem to creep in. When I'm in the mood for it, I kind of like the official style. If I feel like teasing my brain, I grab the closest psychology journal. I then meander through an article or two and my craving subsides until a future unknown date. It's also very comfortable writing in the official style. I guess I've done it for so long it comes naturally. I write my psychology papers in the official style because they sound so much more educated. The goal is to write something that a person has to read three or four times to understand. I don't usually talk using the official style. When I'm talking to my friends I use an unguarded style, although this does have levels to it. I have terrific friends, good friends, and not so good friends. The terrific friends I can say almost anything to. The good friends, I can tell some things to. The not so good friends, on the other hand, I don't tell much. But I still tell more to the not so good friends than I would to others that I don't know very well. The reason that I can tell my friends more than others who I don't know is because I don't have to worry about what they think of me. They already know me. I use an intimate style when I'm talking to my wife. What Style Do I Have? :: Writing Education Essays What Style Do I Have? A paper on style. What style's are going on around me? What style do I use? What is my written style? And what is my spoken style? In this English class, the style is the anti-Official Style. The Official Style has become a plague that everyone runs from. While running we develop our own style. In psychology class, or history or geography class, it is usually the Official Style. It's as if the professors say "I have a PhD, so it is necessary that I communicate in a fashion that will accentuate the intelligence that I have acquired from years of studious behavior." What is my style? My style is a "not trying to be official style" style. It's like starting to relearn a language a person was born into and forgot. The two languages start to intermingle. Some words are in one language and some in the other. The official style is similar. Some sentences are not written in the official style and some seem to creep in. When I'm in the mood for it, I kind of like the official style. If I feel like teasing my brain, I grab the closest psychology journal. I then meander through an article or two and my craving subsides until a future unknown date. It's also very comfortable writing in the official style. I guess I've done it for so long it comes naturally. I write my psychology papers in the official style because they sound so much more educated. The goal is to write something that a person has to read three or four times to understand. I don't usually talk using the official style. When I'm talking to my friends I use an unguarded style, although this does have levels to it. I have terrific friends, good friends, and not so good friends. The terrific friends I can say almost anything to. The good friends, I can tell some things to. The not so good friends, on the other hand, I don't tell much. But I still tell more to the not so good friends than I would to others that I don't know very well. The reason that I can tell my friends more than others who I don't know is because I don't have to worry about what they think of me. They already know me. I use an intimate style when I'm talking to my wife.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Evaluation of Gender Inequality Essay
Charlotte Brontà « wrote in Jane Eyre, â€Å"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.†No visible net ensnares womankind. However, long have women been viewed and treated as unequal to their male counterparts. This inequality is alive everywhere. As displayed in Of Mice and Men, gender inequality is alive even in fiction. Gender equality has been an ongoing struggle in fiction and reality, our country and foreign countries, and in the past and the present. Gender inequality effects the people of the entire world. For example, there are major issues involving gender in Egypt. In Egypt, there are the sparks of movements trying to introduce women into government without challenging the reigning Brotherhood. Another place that struggles with gender inequality is the U.S. where women representation in government is very low. Only 17 out of 100 senate seats are held by women. Even in the U.S., one of the most highly regarded nations in the world, women are not entirely equal. Gender inequality has effected people all through time. In example, it wasn’t until the 1920’s that women could vote in the U.S. Women have long been considered less than their male counterparts. Only recently have women put a dent in the extreme patriarchy that has existed all through history. Today, women still are of unequal representation, pay, and rights across the globe. For example, in the U.S. today, there is an average pay gap of 77% (as of 2009). This means women earn 77 cents to a man’s dollar as pay for the same positions. This is one example of how inequality lingers in modern day first world countries. Gender inequality is also existent in both reality and fiction. We have already given many examples of real cases and statistics including representation and wage gaps. However, there is also gender inequality in the fictional world. For example, in Of Mice and Men, Curly’s wife is a prime example of gender struggles. She is constantly being marginalized. Sheis viewed as a thing that would get Lennie in trouble instead of an actual person. Even her name is never spoken. She is referred to as â€Å"Curly’s wife†which reaffirms Curly’s ownership over her and her status as a possession or an object instead of a human being. When her dead body is found, the first and only comment made of her death was along the lines of, â€Å"Poor boy.†Curly’s wife’s death was seen as nothing but something unfortunate for Lennie. This contributes to the pile of evidence that can conclude that Curly’s wife was considered a mere object. Through time, in foreign countries, and even in between pages, gender inequality has been a constant struggle. Charlotte Bronte wrote that she, a woman, is no bird. A woman, after having a net thrown on her and her fellows time and time again, must decide to declare that they are not a bird, but a human being. Human beings aren’t to be ensnared. It is said that the first step of fixing a problem is the recognition that it exists. So, women must understand that the net encompassing them is not a blanket, but a prison. Together, womankind must stand and declare, â€Å"We are not birds.†Hopefully, these examples of gender inequality is bringing more attention to the â€Å"net.†Hopefully, the realization will dawn that gender inequality is thriving among us and will not die out on its own. It has existed everywhere, always. A mighty effort is to be made to begin the reversal of this inequality and injustice.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Skagen Design Report
Skagen Designs Group 4 Q1. What screening criteria should Skagen Designs use in connection with its choice of new markets for its watch collection? When Skagen Design chooses the new markets and use the connection with them, at first, they have to care about price. Competitive price is not only one of the essential of their brand, but also the easiest method to enter new markets, especially in developing markets. In watch markets, you can see which markets is developed or developing from the charts, after looking at those, you will see which strategies Skagen Design needs to enter into each market with.Somehow, competitive price is qualified advantage in any markets, of course, it is a lot more affecting to developing markets. So, Skagen Design need to keep the low price and proper quality, of course, with their characteristic design either. Next, aside from price, they also have to separate market into developed & developing markets in watch markets as I mentioned already. By dividi ng them into two groups, they can decide which strategy they will adapt to, for instance, if the market is developed market, they have to upgrade their quality.It will charge more cost, so the price should be higher, but the customer in market doesn’t need normal one, so it is necessary. Meanwhile, if the market is still developing market, the best way to attract them is to keep low price with proper quality. Also, Skagen Design has simple design, it could make easy to adapt slight change from local needs. Third, Skagen Design should check whether the market has any forces with international trade such as high tariff.It is basic step before getting into the market, since Skagen Design has not bigger brand power comparing to competitors such as Gap, Calvin Klein, it has to be emphasized with quality and low price. With high tariff, it ain’t possible to keep lower price than local brand, and not even other international brands which has good online markets. So, if the ma rket has high tariff or regulation from its government, Skagen Design should operate their business in small step such as online supply.It is uncontrollable part for every watch companies to change the market situation, so it has to keep checked, since it is also possible to get first mover’s advantage if Skagen Design gets into new market with low regulation at first/ Last, no matter how the market is developed & developing or has different situation, Skagen Design has to keep their watch proper quality and design. It is essential for every business to keep them. Consumers never buy crappy product again, also the product from those brand images.Even though Skagen Design could offer lower price than others, their brand shouldn’t be same to local anonymous brand images, so they have to keep their brand characteristic, either. Quality & characteristic design are always the most important parts in every markets, and competitive advantages for business success. Q2. Make a specific choice of new markets for Skagen Designs. Table 1 and Table 2 can be used to support your argument. The characteristics of Skagen Designs are colours, shapes, and simplicity, etc.However, one of the most competitive characteristics is competitive price. Their high turnover has been kept for decades, and it’s originally started from competitive price, of course, its design either. To choose which markets Skagen Designs get into, they have to consider not only how much retail volume they have, but also how much they are afford to pay for watch. At least, they have advantage with their price comparing to competitors like Calvin Klein, Coach, Guess, Gucci, Swatch, Alfex and Jacob Jensen, etc, somehow it could make their product more successful in retail market.About retail volume, we can confirm it from Table 1 and Table 2. From Table 1, retail volume in thousands of units can be estimated, for sure, USA market has been still the biggest market since the research started from 2003. Also, we can see interesting raise in India market, their retail volume has been growing rapidly the most. Now, India market has the second biggest retail volume in thousands of unit, and it is even same to USA almost. Looking at number of watches per 1,000 people, Mexico has showed highest ratio, and India’s ratio is still the lowest.From Table 1, we can see Mexico, Netherland, South Africa, Sweden have the greatest number of watches, and opposite to it, India, China, Japan, Belgium have the lowest number of watches. Aside from Table 1, Table 2 shows value of different watches, which also shows the biggest and the lowest markets as well. From Table 2, USA, Japan, UK are the biggest one, in opposite to Belgium, Hungary which are the lowest one. One thing we can discover here is counties with biggest retail market have not so big volume value of watch market.Also $ per capita shows similar aspect, from Table 2, we can see the separation between developed market and growing market. Already developed markets have the biggest $ per capita when it comes to market, meanwhile growing markets have the lowest one. It is same with value of watch markets. So, from those charts, we can suggest potential markets for Skagen Design would be Mexico, India or China. Skagen can offer them average quality with lower price than competitor’s, also their design is so simple and never follow established trends that it can be adapted in growing market easily.It can be adapted to local needs slightly with marketing. Meanwhile, when Skagen Design enters into developed market, it doesn’t need to adapt local needs or adaptation. What only they have to care is more high quality with higher price, so it can’t be good market as much as first one. Q3. Which market entry mode should Skagen Design use on the chosen markets? First of all, you have to know what is a market entry mode : this is an institutional arrangement which is necessary for the entr y of a company’s products into a new foreign market.There are three different types of entry mode: – Export – Intermediate – And hierarchical mode There are few factors that influence the market entry mode choice. These factors are externs or interns, or specifics. The market entry mode is different between countries with low, medium and high standard of living. Firm’s products are manufactured in the domestic market or a third country and then transferred either directly or indirectly to the host market. Three types of exporting: 1. Indirect mode 2. Direct mode 3. Cooperative mode |Lowest US $ per capita |Medium US $ per capita |High US $ per capita | |Indirect export mode |Is the process of exporting through | | | | |domestically based export | | | | |intermediaries, but the exporter has no| | | | |control over its products and over the | | | | |marketing decisions. | | | | | | | | |Fast market access. | | | | | | | | | |No infrastructures are b uilt. | | | | |Low sale promotion. | | | |No market researches are carried out. | | | |Direct export mode | |If the international markets are considered as a | | | | |crucial part of the company’s success the direct | | | | |exporting is the best market entry tool. | | | |Using own sales subsidiary and direct marketing | | | | |(including mail order and telemarketing). | | | | |Low infrastructures are built. | | | | |Market researches are carried out upon secondary | | | | |data. | | | | | | | | |The business can use: | | | | |Distributors | | | | |Market country agents | | |Intermediate mode | |The intermediate mode is used to transfer the | | | | |knowledge and the skills to the local | | | | |producer/seller. | | | | | | | | | |There is no full ownership by the parent firm | | | | |involved, but ownership and control can be shared | | | | |between the firm and the local partner. | | | | | | | | |Four types of intermediate entry modes: | | | | |Licensing | | | | |Franchis ing | | | | |Contract manufacturing | | | | |Joint ventures | | |Hierarchical mode | | |Solid infrastructure. | | | | |Sponsoring artists, athletes and | | | | |events. | | | |Market research, qualitative & | | | | |quantitative. | | | | |Aggressive marketing campaign. | | | | |Sales promotion. | | | | |Market coverage: Intensive | Each kind of countries has one appropriate mode concerning its export, and each of these modes are listed in the table above. Q4.What should be the guidelines for including other products lines in the Skagen Designs collection? Including other products mean want to have an expansion? : you can add a new product to expand your business; just be sure to take these four steps before moving forward:? Determine the specific needs of your customers in each high-priority market segment.? Identify the product/service bundles (groups of features) that would be most attractive to them. Create a unique value proposition for the proposed line extensions and decide ho w you'll position the product in the market segments you've identified. ? Determine the sales and distribution channels that will achieve the highest penetration of your target market segments.In all, you'll need to use market research and speak customers and marketing partners or distributors and evaluate competitive products. This will help you to validate the present level of demand for the product and the best channels for sales distribution, plus shape the product messaging. If you do your homework and proceed with an analytical eye, your line extension will increase sales, help you reach new markets and build market share overall for your growing business Having a guideline represents choosing the right segmenting, targeting and positioning. Segmentation [pic] Targeting [pic] Positioning The positioning is the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market.So, the guidelines for introducing other products lines are mainly resp ecting the positioning. For Skagen, we can describe the brand as simple, elegant and affordable. It is indeed very elegant with technical precision and a true original design. It means that a new line of products has to be part of this universe; it means something chic, no food or others. Furthermore, it has to need a technical precision because they could have an advantage using their expertise with that kind of materials. It has to be simple. Indeed, for example, the super slim line is totally purified, simple. The watches are non-numerical, the logo is very discreet. So the new line has to be made in a very simple style.Last but not least, it has to be an affordable product. It means that they have to find way to produce it almost low cost. And so it has to be a product which can be made almost low cost. Ideas for the future of new products – High quality & design pen as Rolex for example – Clothes as Calvin Klein for example Q5. Which criteria should Skagen Designs use for its selection of future sponsor partners? First of all, it is interesting to give a little definition of sponsorship to understand the interest for companies to make some partnership. After that it must easier to define some criteria in the selection of future sponsor partner. Sponsoring:Supporting an event, activity or organization by providing money or other resources that is of value to the sponsored event. This is usually in return for advertising space at the event or as part of the publicity for the event. [1] For Skagen Designs it can be really interesting to set up a sponsoring policy. Sponsoring is one of the best ways of communication for two reasons. Firstly, it is a good tool to highlight and precise the positioning of Skagen Designs thanks to an event or a celebrity really famous and know by everyone. Secondly, this kind of partnership makes advertisements more visible. For example in the past, Skagen Designs had a partnership with the famous TV series Ally McB eal.This sponsoring corresponded to the Skagen Designs targeting (active population, 25-45 years old with a fashion sensitivity) and to the positioning also (classy, elegant and affordable). Moreover, people who loved ally McBeal and who recognize themselves in the series must be more sensitive to the brand Skagen Designs. It was a really good promotion. Indeed, when the sponsorship is well selected, it allows identifying with a particular target market or lifestyle and so attracting customers, easier. The first reason is increasing of awareness of brand name and then, reinforcing perceptions of key brand image associations. For example, every time people watched Ally McBeal, they thought Skagen Designs.The sponsoring makes the brand alive and present everyday in the life of customers. As any decisions, nevertheless, sponsor partnership can be risky. That’s why we speak about selection. One of the difficulties of sponsorship it is hard to measure and predict success and outco me. Another risk depends on the sponsored person’ image which can change because of an event or a situation. This can affect the brand credibility and associate the brand with this bad event or behavior and change perception of brand values. That is why it is important to establish a list of criteria in order to make a good selection amount the different sponsor partnerships available.Firstly the partnership has to be in adequacy with Skagen Designs values and strategy: †¢ The sponsorship has to be in line with the business and communication objectives. †¢ It has to be a strategic fit between the events target markets and Skagen Design? s. †¢ The sponsorship must match the targeted market and be able to reach it. Finally the sponsor partnership has to be in line with the positioning and targeting in order to touch the customer and attract him: †¢ The sponsorship must generate sufficient awareness, possess the desired image and create the desired effects. à ¢â‚¬ ¢ The consumers have to see attributions for the sponsor’s engagementTo conclude, Skagen Desings has to focus on its values and keep in mind its strategic direction for the brand. Then it must be easier to choose a partner by following the criteria. Finally by following up and evaluating the sponsorship Skagen Designs will be able to decide if it’s better to continue or stop the sponsorship. Q6. Skagen Designs is considering online sales of his watches. What problems and possibilities do you see for the company in this area? On this basis what are your conclusions? Nowadays, every brand is most of the time at least a brand â€Å"click and mortar†, if it is not a â€Å"pureplayer†. Nevertheless, the online trade cannot be adapted to every type of brand. Indeed, the brand universe has to be able to be put on the internet.Furthermore, when competitors start to sell on the internet, if you do not want to lose market share, you have no choice: you have to fight their advantages and so start considering selling online. First, we have to remember what an online sale is. An online sale is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without intermediary services. So, we can think that a luxury brand such as Skagen, which anyway looks luxury, will lose its ability to advice consumers, one of his strengths. Furthermore, those watches are pretty technical products and so require some expertise. However, there must be some advantages. It is important to say that Skagen has already a website and is already selling on this website, so every watch can be purchased on the internet.Indeed, for example, you can choose a watch, click on it to have a bigger view of it, and then you can â€Å"add it to the bag†. You can then see your â€Å"bag†on which you see the price of your watch and of the shipping. The last step is to do the check out by giving your perso nal address, and of course, paying. As a consequence, we can think that Skagen took its decision: they decided to sell by the internet also. Now, what means â€Å"problems and possibilities†. A problem is an obstacle. A possibility is more an opportunity. It means in this case how the website can be done, what possibilities they have. But also, it means what opportunities it will bring.So, we can think that the expression â€Å"problems and possibilities†refers to the â€Å"Threats and Opportunities†in the SWOT analysis. First, it is an opportunity because customers are not the same nowadays. The new customer is always in a hurry, always wants to change his style, optimizes a lot his time in the transport by using his cellphone. So, of course, if the competitors start to sell on the internet, Skagen customers, which are young and active people, will lose their faithfulness toward Skagen finding better answers to their needs. Second, as it was said, the typical Skagen customer is the typical person who spends a lot of time buying on the internet and who is very comfortable with new technologies.It means that it will not be a problem for him to buy at the online store, and even, it will bring new customers: this main target, the one of Skagen, is sometimes so much active that it does not have time to buy and sometimes, he is totally willing to buy in another country but cannot because there is no online store. As a consequence, it means that more than an advantage, creating an online store was necessary for Skagen’s customers. Plus, every brand does not have exactly the same target. We can guess that because, for example, Alfex is still not selling on the internet, you can just click on â€Å"where to buy†on its website. Third, but it is a detail, it quite easy to establish some advantages for faithful customers on the internet. For example, reductions, special sales. And it is easily accessible. These advantages can also be combined with partners.Indeed, Skagen, choosing to start selling on the internet can start having good partners for complementary items such as clothes for example. However, we can observe that most of this brand does not make any promotion for other brands. We can think that it is because the world of watches is an â€Å"elegant†world; it means that websites are really modern and purified. Fourth, we can think that it could be cheaper to sell on the internet because you do not have to pay a so huge rent and you do not have to pay the sells staff. However, of course, there are some disadvantages. First, it is a quite precise and technical product: some exigent customer can feel lost, even if it is well described they might need still more details.Details that are so numerous that it cannot be put on a website for example if you have some risks to break a bit your diamonds on the watch if you go on the shower with it. Second, Skagen will always have to watch the markets evol ution and to be able to answer very quickly to demands. It means a lot of stocks and money. This is an aspect of starting selling online: selling online is a job in itself, you have a lot of technics to acquire such as how to ship your products for example. And, because it is a lot of money, you have to calculate if it is really worth it to sell on the internet and if it is, how you will do it without huge amounts of moneys. Beside, details which is important for Skagen which is a brand whose positioning is selling very pretty products at affordable prices.Third, Skagen, as clothes, is a fashion brand, it means that people requires style from it. And, as they do with clothes, they might want to try it to see how it feels and how it fits their clothes. And, indeed, it is the main problem with online stores. But, anyway, it is less grave for watches than for clothes. However, we can notice that on their website we only see their watches alone, which means that it hard to imagine how i t looks on a wrist. Some competitors such as Jacob Jensen or Guess still have this trouble, they should all of them do as Alfex, show it on the wrist of a model also. As a result, it was almost mandatory for them to go on the internet.Indeed, they have the perfect target, it can be cheaper and they are an affordable brand because they can produce low cost, their competitors start to sell on the internet and this type of products which are objects and not clothes or food, can be quite easily sold on the internet. The disadvantages are really negligible comparing to the advantages. We can anyway to go more far think that they could do it in another way such as proposing pictures of people wearing it and even proposing some clothes style to fit with it. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] http://www. tutor2u. net/business/marketing/promotion_sponsorship. asp â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Report 2013/02/19 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SODERTORNS HOGSKOLA
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Internet Bubble Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Internet Bubble - Research Paper Example During this period, investors believed that a new era had begun with the internet sector seeing a 1000% growth in only two years, which equaled nearly 6% of the US’ market capitalization and more than 20% of equity volume traded publicly in the US. The bubble hit its peak in early 2000 with a score of 5,048.62 on NASDAQ (Kraay & Ventura, 2011). During this period, the sector saw increased establishment of internet companies that were referred to as Dotcom companies, taken from the suffix at the end of their URL. This bubble burst between the years 2000 and 2002 as NASDAQ saw a loss in value of over 80% with companies, for instance, failing completely with more than $7 trillion destroyed in market value (Kraay & Ventura, 2011). This paper seeks to detail what happened during this period, why it transpired, the way it could have been prevented, as well as the main players in the internet bubble.The internet was responsible for creating a euphoric attitude in the 90s, in spiring hopes for the internet as online commerce’s future. This led to the formation of many dotcom companies hoping that they would be worth millions. However, most of these companies were not very successful as those that were overvalued (Perkins & Perkins, 2009). This resulted in these companies crashing, leaving significant losses to be handled by the investors. The collapse, in fact, precipitated the stock market crash of 2001 more than 9/11 did, costing investors $5 trillion. The mid to late 90s saw unrealistic expectations from the public regarding what the internet had to offer. Internet entrepreneurs invested in the hope of becoming internet billionaires, inspiring companies like Kozmo, eBay, and Amazon. However, for every internet company that became a success, hundreds of others collapsed. Most investors ignored fundamental rules of the stock market such as the analysis of P/E ratio, reviewing business plans, and the study of market plans (Perkins & Perkins, 2009) . They, instead, became pre-occupied with ideas that had no proven potential in the market. Factors that Led to the Internet Bubble Burst Two basic factors contributed to this phenomenon. The first was the utilization of metrics that were ignorant of cash flow. Most analysts laid emphasis on aspects of individual entrepreneurship that were not concerned with how to generate cash flow or revenue. One theory contends that the bubble burst due to the investors’ pre-occupation with what was referred to as the network theory, which stated that a network’s value increased exponentially. In addition, the number of nodes increased (Adams, 2009). While this made sense, it neglected the company’s ability utilizing the network for cash generation and making the investors a profit. Secondly, most of the internet company stocks were overvalued. On top of focusing metrics that were unnecessary, analysts made use of high multipliers in formulas and models in the valuation of t he companies, resulting in overly optimistic and unrealistic values (Adams, 2009). While the conservative analysts were not in agreement, the recommendations they made were
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
My Personality Traits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Personality Traits - Essay Example According to Roberts and Mroczek (2008), â€Å"personality traits are defined as the relatively enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another†(p. 31). One strongly believes that it is crucial to spend some time reflecting and assessing one’s personality traits for purposes of noting one’s strengths, and determining one’s weaknesses. However, an assessment should not end only in the aspect of determination. One affirms that after accurate identification of the traits that are considered weak some positive action must be taken to address the noted weaknesses and to eventually transform them into core competencies and advantages. In this regard, after a personal reflection of one’s personality, I deduced that there were evident strengths in exemplifying virtues of honesty, integrity and conformity to rules, policies, as well as adherence to ethical, moral and legal standards. In whatever setting o r situation, I always observe regulations and am very assertive in complying with the explicitly defined rules. This is most applicable in the school setting, in communities, work settings, and in other public or private organizations that one gets the opportunity to be involved with or interact with. For me, giving my word is tantamount to a firm acknowledgement of a promise. I would never make a promise I know I would not be able to keep. I also believe in the ethics of reciprocity or the Golden Rule, as it is more commonly known. This is the reason why I would not like to do injustice to others, as I expect to be respected and be accorded with equality, justice, as well as conformity to good moral conduct and behavior. This, I believe, is crucial to avoid injuries, hurt, pain, and discrimination of any kind. I am very conscientious and I believe that by doing good I would have rendered appropriate service to others, and more importantly, to my creator. Likewise, I have determined that I exhibited above average people skills, meaning, I am compassionate, easy to get along with, gregarious and socially responsible. These traits would be most useful in teambuilding and in working with groups. Although I believe that as an individual, I could excel using the knowledge, skills and abilities gained through education and experience, I still acknowledge that working cohesively with others is beneficial in different scenarios and settings. On the other hand, despite the acknowledgement of these strengths in my personality, I still admit that there are weaknesses which need to be addressed. As emphasized by Roberts & Mroczek (2008), â€Å"personality traits continue to change, even in old age†(p. 32). Thus, one could still work on changing those traits that need to be tranformed for the better. For one, I believe that there is still room for improving ability to discern priorities in life. Since I am a people’s person, there are some instances when I a m in the company of colleagues and friends and I just could not say no to them when they invite me to social events or gatherings. In the process of accommodating them, there were times that I failed to attend to more urgent matters – such as academic projects or the need to spend quality time with one’s family. In addition, another weakness noted was one’
Monday, October 7, 2019
The conduct of modern business will improve if more high level jobs Essay
The conduct of modern business will improve if more high level jobs are gven to women - Essay Example ore gender equal work environment, it is still the case that it is the men who are dominating the workplace, in particular, the higher level positions. Nonetheless, women’s capacity in the workplace should not be overlooked because they can do the same as men in the conduct of business. In fact, women have showed their competitiveness in the field of business (Lowrey, 2006; Evans, 2008). In this regard, this paper shall delve on establishing why the presence of women in high level jobs improves the conduct of modern business. According to Lowrey (2006), there are more women than men participating in the labor force of professional occupations including professional, financial, management and business professions. Nonetheless, even if this is the case, gender inequality remains in this male-dominated society in which we live. The reality is that more men occupy the top management positions in companies than women (Desvaux, Devillard-Hollinger, & Baumgarten, 2007; Desvaux, Devillard, & Sancier-Sultan, 2010). Even if it is the case that the number of female graduates from the university has increased, still it would not close the gender gap in the management functions (Desvaux et al., 2007). Competence is not an issue because women can do the same as men in the field of business. As a matter of fact, success in business is not a concern if it is the women who handle it. If high proportion of women occupy the top management positions in companies, the conduct of modern business may perform even better (Desvaux et al., 2007; Desvaux et al., 2010). Desvaux et al. (2007) and Desvaux et al. (2010) found out in their studies that the presence of women positively affects the excellent performance of organizations. The companies with more women representing the top management levels are observed to be the businesses which have better performance at the financial level. The companies which perform at their best are those who are most strongly represented by women at the
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