Monday, October 14, 2019
The Impact of Hauora on a Maori Client
The Impact of Hauora on a Maori Client Analyse what effect each one of the following would have on the hauora of a Maori client. 1).Shame Shame is a feeling of guilty or embarrassed by any individual. In healthcare facilities if clients feel shame or embarrassment it will be hard for a Caregiver to provide proper treatment or care for the client. If client feels shame or embarrassed, it will create a significant barrier between a client and care providers and if this happens, care givers won't be able to figure out what a client is thinking or what problem he/she is having. For example; if a client is having some disease or problem which he/she is feeling ashamed of telling to a caregiver than it will affect his holistic well being because care providers won't be able to collect proper data and as a result the right and proper care will not be given to a client. So as a care provider we should encourage client to be open and share his thoughts and feeling. 2).Self Abasement A client who feels self abasement will start to feel that is he is not good enough compared to others and it can lead them to depression and they will withdrawal from social relationship. It will affect the entire Whanau mentally. This person will neglect communication and isolate him from everyone. Therefore the client will not look after himself by not taking medicines or he/she may start eating unhealthy food. 3).Withdrawal A person who withdraw themselves from social relationship mostly go into depression and isolate them from Whanau (family) or friends. If this happens, the care providers in healthcare facilities will not be able to provide right care for a client so social support is very important in this case. For example family should be support the client as well as caregiver to implement the proper treatment by gathering right data from the client. 4).Feeling Misunderstood Some clients may feel they are misunderstood and as a result they feel ashamed or embarrassed. They even sometimes withdraw themselves from others feeling that they are not good enough. As a result it will affect their health because they will hide their feeling and thoughts. So as a caregiver we should always respect other's culture and dignity. For example every healthcare facilities should have a Maori support worker to communicate with Maori client to gather more information and to protect their dignity. 1.2 From the following five(5) situation of whakama, select any four (4)and analyse the impact of each one within a hauora context. 1).One to one consultation with a health worker Some clients feel uncomfortable with one to one consultation with health worker. For some cases health worker need to ask personal and intimate questions to client to get accurate information about the client. A client may feel ashamed or embarrassed to answer personal question which can affect the health of a patient. In this case health worker will not get accurate data from the client to plan good care. For example, sometimes female client feel uncomfortable by the health worker when they are doing physical examination by touching. So health worker should first introduce themselves, ask permission before touching a client with Whanau and a client itself. 2).Group consultation with a health worker As some clients may be not comfortable with one to one consultation there are few clients who may feel uncomfortable with group consultation with health worker. Client may feel ashamed or embarrassed or may be depressed to enclose their personal information to people there are not very well aware of. For example, client feel embarrassed to share their health condition in front of family members because family members are not very supportive. So again health worker will not be able to find out enough information to plan proper health care for the client. to overcome this situation health worker should first ensure that is it fine with the client for group consultation. 3).One to one consultation with a health worker of a different gender Gender has a substantial impact on outcome as well as process level in health care. Most of the clients feel shy/embarrassed to share their personal information or diseases they may have with opposite gender.Some client and health worker naturally shy and fell uncomfortable when asking or answering questions with opposite gender. When a male health worker is doing a physical examination to a female client both parties may feel uncomfortable. It is important for health organization to train primary health worker how to break down barriers between themselves and client in gender differences to generate proper care for a client. 4).Group consultation with a health worker of a different gender During group consultation with a health worker of a different gender can be more embarrassment for a client. Client normally feel shy or feel uncomfortable to give information in a group consultation. Client may feel awkward or ashamed to enclose their personal information in a group or in front of family or friends. So again health worker will find it difficult to gather information regarding to health issues they have and it can create difficulties for health worker to give accurate care. 1.3 Identify and analyse two (2) adverse socia-cultural and two (2) socia-economic factors which could cause whakama and affect hauora outcomes for Maori. Adverse socia-cultural factor one For Maori health wellbeing there are four walls of strong house. First one is te taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), second,te taha hinengaro (mental wellbeing),third, te taha tinana (physical wellbeing), and fourth, te taha whanau (family wellbeing). However some MÄ ori client may find difficulties to express their traditional values or spiritual aspect with people who are unware of their culture. Therefore, they may felt embarrassed to share their thoughts and feeling in front of them. Clients fear that may be misunderstood by others.A Maori client is considered unwell if any of these four foundations are weak. For Maori to be healthy all these foundations should be strong. Adverse socia-cultural factor two Maori so many traditional and spiritual values and food is one of them. Food plays major role in maori socia-cultural activities and it's not only determines physical health but also emotional, psychological and spiritual wellness. Clients who are at health care facilities may feel depressed, or might withdraw themselves because Maori clients believe that their traditional food is total wellness and happiness. As a result client may stop eating food in facilities which can affect their health. health workers should encourage family members and friends to bring traditional foods once a week to make them happy. Adverse socia-economic factor one Education is one of the socia-economic factor that can affect hauora outcomes for Maori client. Clients who does not receive proper education may feel inferior. They may also feel shy/embarrassed to share their feelings, and thought with people fearing been misunderstood. In this situation a client may mentally and emotionally disturbed which will directly affect the health. health workers should encourage clients to share their thoughts and feelings and also family members can support them to decrease the percentage of whakama. Adverse socia-economic factor two Not every client have a same economic status, some are rich and some are poor. Clients who have lower economic status always feel down to themselves and feel depressed to share their thoughts and feeling with health worker, fearing the expenses of the treatment. They may feel embarrassed of their current economic status which will be very hard for health workers to find out what medical problems they facing. Task 2 Determine the implications of identified impacts of whakama on hauora outcomes. 2.1 a). Identify three (3) negative hauora implications of whakama and how they impact on hauora outcomes. b). Identify three (3) positive hauora implications of whakama, and how they impact on hauora outcomes. Negative outcome one (Feeling of inferiority/ lack of education) Many clients who are in health care facilities are not educated or didn't receive proper education. This can lead to whakama for example, they feel depressed or withdraw themselves from others. Emotionally they feel that they are different from others and avoid expressing their thoughts and feeling with caregivers. Negative outcome two (Feeling embarrassment while practicing cultural rituals) Maori clients are very much attached with their traditional and cultural value. So client believe that traditional practice are good for wellbeing and to make them happy. But they feel embarrassed or shy to practice it the facility because of others judgment. Negative outcome three (Withdrawal) Some clients who are unfamiliar with a facilities environment usually withdraw themselves from others. If this happens than they stop interacting with other's and health workers because they feel unease while they stay there. It can affect their health. Positive outcome one (Include whanau in client care plan) To decrease whakama in client healthcare workers should identify there whakama and include whanau in care plan to support client to feel happy and relaxed. For clients holistic wellbeing family and friend's should support healthcare workers to minimize the whakama of their client. Maori are always very attached to their whanau. Positive outcome two Employee MÄ ori staffs in healthcare facilities. Some Maori clients may not be able to speak proper English which can make them feel depressed so the healthcare facilities should employee MÄ ori staffs who can communicate with the client in their own language to know what are their thoughts and feeling. Positive outcome three Clients at healthcare facilities have difficulties with hearing so caregivers should speak softly and slowly with them so that they can understand you better. Always give information to a client before doing any care so that they will be aware of what you going to do.
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