Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Pscyhology - 1772 Words
s paper one will discuss two myths from different cultures. The two myths chosen for this paper are the Genesis creation (Hebrew origin) of the Christian culture, and the Norse culture of Iceland (the Vikings). Both of these creation myths start with an emptiness where conflict and chaos eventually develop. The Genesis crearion is between God, nothing, blackness, emptiness, loneliness, and the need to create something. The Norse creation is between the dark cold realm of Niflheim, within the emptiness of Ginnungagap, and the fiery realm of Muspell, where nothing can grow. There are nine classifications of creation myths, which most include more than one motif. The Genesis cosmogonies applies both ex nihilo, and deus faber motifs. The†¦show more content†¦Day five, God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life (Fairchild, 2013, para. 6). Day six, God created the animals to fill the ea rth (Fairchild, 2013, para. 7). Then God created man in his own image, both male and female, and instructed them to multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1: 27-28). He made them rulers over the earth to cultivate and care for it, and every living thing upon the earth (Genesis 1: 28). On day seven, God said his work was done, so he blessed the seventh day, making it a day of rest. The Norse creation myth does not have one maker of good, but many events and elements that emerge from one evil giant. In this story a cow slowly licks away mountains of ice from two beings, creating the god Buri and his goddess wife (Distant Train, Inc., 2011). They had a son named Bor, and his son was named Odin, who became the king of all the gods (Distant Train, Inc., 2011, para. 6). Ymir was an evil, brutal, and cruel giant. One day Odin and the other gods plotted to kill Ymir because they could no longer follow his evil ways. Ymirs body became the earth, his flesh became the land, his blood became the sea, his hair became the trees, and his bones became the mountains (Distant Train, Inc., 2011). Odin and the other gods created the sky from Ymirs skull, which was held up by four pillars (Distant Train, Inc., 2011). Odin created the moon and the sun byShow MoreRelatedInformed Consent in Counseling785 Words  | 3 Pages References Appendix 1: Ethical Principles for Conducting Research with Human Participants. (2013). http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/DeafStudiesTeaching/dissert/BPS%20Ethical%20Guidelines.htm Plous, S. (2013). Tips on informed consent. Social PScyhology Network. Retrieved: http://www.socialpsychology.org/consent.htm Walsh, Robert J. Dasenbrook, Norman C. (2013). Implementing informed consent. American Counseling Association. Retreved: http://www.wvbec.org/images/Implementing_Informed_ConsentRead MoreSymptoms and Effects of Primary Insomnia Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesInoue, Y. (2011). A Meta-analysis on the Treatment Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Primary Insomnia. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 9, 24-34. Doi: 10.1111/j.1479-8425.2010.00481.x VandenBos, G. R. (Ed.). (2007). APA Dictionary of Pscyhology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Read MoreSymptoms and Effects of Primary Insomnia Essay917 Words  | 4 PagesSymptoms and Effects of Primary Insomnia The APA Dictionary of Pscyhology defines insomnia as a difficulty in initiating or maintaining a restorative sleep that results in fatigue, the severity of persistence of which causes clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning (VandenBos, 2007, p. 485). The pineal gland in the brain produces melatonin that works with ‘circadian’ rhythms, which in time help control sleep (Gillam, 2009). By use of polysomnography, researchers find thatRead MoreDoes Positive Psychology Ease Symptoms of Depression1105 Words  | 5 Pagesprofessionals. Rehabilitation Research, Policy Education, 27(3), 131-153. doi: ebscohost Flourish. (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2014, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flourish Mongrain, M., Anselmo-Matthews, T. (2012). Do positive pscyhology exercises work? a replication of seligman et al. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 382-389. doi: EBSCHOhost Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York, NY: Free Press. Read MoreSpiritual Perspectives on Healing of Three Non-Mainstream Religions and Christianity897 Words  | 4 Pages72fa067c129dcb4aede8494de9dfa909a993b91bac393b32 Neigher, PhD, W., Hakim, MA, S. (2011). Creating a Sustainable â€Å"Healing Culture†Throughout a Healthcare System: Using Community Psychology Principles as a Guide. Global Journal of Community of Pscyhology Practice, 2(3). Retrieved from http://www.gjcpp.org/en/article.php?issue=8article=36 Religion Facts (2014). Marijuana and Religion - ReligionFacts. Retrieved from http://www.religionfacts.com/rastafari/marijuana_and_religion.htm Salter, R. (2005)Read MoreEverybody Knows Big Porn Is Destroying Relationships Essay855 Words  | 4 PagesMentally, or physically, unrealistic expectations are created and tension is digested in an attempt to compete with the alternate sources of sexualisation that one’s partner seeks. Works Cited 1. Castleman, Michael. (2012). All About Sex. Pscyhology Today. Accessed 18/5/2014. Available: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/all-about-sex/201207/the-real-problem-porn-its-bad-sex 2. Forbes Magazine. (2002). How Big Is Porn? Accessed 17/5/2014. Available: http://www.forbes.com/2001/05/25/0524pornRead MoreTourism Research Topics2874 Words  | 12 PagesPsychology. Vol. 1, Daniel Stokols and Irwin Altman, eds. New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Gotlieb, J. B., Grewal, D. and Brown, S. W., 1994. Consumer satisfaction and perceived quality: complementary or divergent constructs?. Journal of Applied Pscyhology. 79 (6): 875885 Ittelson, W. H., 1973. Environment and cognition. New York, USA: Seminar Press Kaplan, S. and Kaplan, R., 1982. Cognition and Environment. New York, USA: Praeger Publishers Lawson, R., Tidwell, P., Rainbird, P., Loudon, D. and DellaRead MoreThe Cultural Identity Of The Strong Black Woman2874 Words  | 12 PagesYale UP, 2011. 183-216. Print. Watson, Natalie N., and Carla D. Hunter. Anxiety and Depression Among African American Woman: The Costs of Strength and Negative Attitudes Towards Psychological Help-Seeking. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Pscyhology 1 (2015): 1-9. Print. West, Cornel. Unmasking the Black Conservatives. Christian Century 23 (1986): 644. Print. Winch, Guy. Why Teens with Low Self-Esteem Become Depressed as Adults. Psychology Today. 23 Nov. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. https://wwwRead MoreHerbert Spencer Essay13142 Words  | 53 PagesPart IV: Morphological Development; Part V: Physiological Development; Part VI: Laws of Mutiplication; Appendices o Principles of Psychology (1870, 1880), in two volumes ââ€" ª Volume I  Part I: The Data of Pscyhology; Part II: The Inductions of Pscyhology; Part III: General Synthesis; Part IV: Special Synthesis; Part V: Physical Synthesis; Appendix ââ€" ª Volume II  Part VI: Special Analysis; Part VII: General Analysis; Part VIII: Congruities; Part IX: Corollaries Read MoreSexual Harassment in Workplace8799 Words  | 36 PagesTancred-Sheriff and Burrel, G. (Eds), The Sexuality of Organization, Sage, London, pp. 158-77 Rotundo, M., Nguyen, D. Sackett, P.R. (2001), â€Å"A Meta-analytic review of gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment†, Journal of Applied Pscyhology, Vol.86, No.5 pp. 914-922.L.A: Prentice Sabitha, M. Mohd. Na’eim, A. 2006. Improving Delivery System in Organization through Training: A Case of Sexual Harassment. Proceedings of the the International Conference on Local Government: Enhancing
Essay on The Human Genome Project - 711 Words
A genome is all the DNA in an organism, including it’s genes. Genes carry information for making all the proteins required by all organisms. These proteins determine, among other things, how the organism looks, acts, processes and fights infections. DNA is made up of four similar chemicals (bases, adenine , Thymine , cytosine , and guanine ) that are repeated millions or billions of times throughout a genome. The human genome has three billion base pairs. The order of these base pairs are extremely important and determine everything in an organism. The Human Genome Project started in the mid-1980’s and was discussed widely throughout the scientific community and public press in the last years of the decade. In the United States, DOE†¦show more content†¦The massive amount of data and related technologies generated by the HGP and other genomic research presents a wide array of commercial opportunities. These opportunities range from medicine and food to energy and environmental resources. Older companies are racing to retool and newer companies are seeking parts in the information revolution with DNA at it’s core. IMB, Compaq, DuPoint, and other big pharmaceutical companies are among those interested in the potential for targeting and applying genome data. In HGP there are two types of sequences, the draft and the high quality. To get the draft sequence, scientist determine the order of base pairs in each chromosomal area at least four to five times to ensure data accuracy and to help with reassembling DNA fragments in their original order. This repeated sequencing is known as genome quot;depth of coverage.quot; The draft sequence for the human genome was completed on June 26, 2000. To generate high quality sequencing , additional sequencing is needed to close gaps, reduce mistakes and allow only a single error in 10,000 bases. The finished version will provide an estimated eight to nine times the coverage of each chromosome. Thus far, high qualityShow MoreRelatedThe Human Genome Project1460 Words  | 6 PagesGene Essay Assignment: The Human Genome Project A genome is the complete DNA set of an organism. These DNA molecules are made up of two strands. Every strand is composed of four nucleotide bases: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. Complementary strands are paired in certain ways. Cytosine always pairs with guanine and adenine always pairs with thymine. The human genome holds about 3 billion base pairs, found in the chromosomes. Each of the 46 chromosomes are composed of thousands of genesRead MoreThe Human Of Human Genome Project995 Words  | 4 PagesThe Human Genome Project has been introduced to us more than twenty-five years from now. It was Initiated and sponsored by the National Human Genome Research Institute, the project was introduced aiming at researching more human genes in order to understand, read genes and find cure for diseases. It guided the medical field to new direction but at the same time created new challenges and problems. The primary objective of the project isn’t wrong or questionable but s ome believe its implications areRead MoreThe Human Genome Project?1023 Words  | 5 Pages The Human Genome Project Today we are learning the language in which God created life . . . humankind is on the verge of gaining immense new power to heal. Genome science will have a real impact on all our lives, and even more on the lives of our children. It will revolutionise the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases. - Bill Clinton, June 2002. The Human Genome Project came into existence in the late 1980 s asRead MoreThe Human Genome Project763 Words  | 3 Pages The author, Francis S. Collins, is the man responsible for the successful completion of Human Genome Project (HGP). HGP is an international multidisciplinary scientific research project which was involved in mapping and sequencing human DNA and determining the various aspects of its function. With this incredible expertise to his credit, Dr. Collins in the book ‘The Language of Life’ talks about personalizing medicine by understanding the DNA of each individual. The author starts by narrating someRead MoreThe Human Genome Project541 Words  | 2 Pages The Human Genome Project (HGP) began in 1990 with funding from the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health with the goal of decoding the human genome. Researchers from across the world are working in conjunction to understand the sequence of amino acid base pairs and how they interact with one another to elicit specific genetic reactions. Once the decoding of the genome takes place, scientists will be able to develop individual treatment plans and understand a number of diseasesRead MoreEssay on The Human Genome Project1579 Words  | 7 Pages Does the Human Genome Project effect the moral standards of society? Can the information produced by it become a beneficial asset or a moral evil? For example, X chromosome markers can be used to identify ethnicity. A seemingly harmless collection of information from the Human Genome Project. But lets assume this information is used to explore ways to deny entry into countries, determine social class, or who gets prefer ential treatment. Whether or not this type of treatment is acceptable to a moralRead MoreThe Human Genome Project ( Hgp )1324 Words  | 6 PagesIn 2000, the $3 billion dollar project--The Human Genome Project (HGP)--came to completion. Geneticists can now provide a patient with a comprehensive map of their DNA sequence. Obtaining such information can tell a patient if they have the gene variant associated with many different genetically linked diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart conditions or even cancer. This medical revolution can indicate what drugs to take, at what dosage and what lifestyle choices can be made in order to preventRead MoreThe Human Genome Project : A Research Project1097 Words  | 5 PagesThe human genome project is a research project which had a purpose of being able to map and understand all the genes of human beings and organisms (National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health 2014a) and to determine the DNA se quence of the complete genome (National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health 2014b). The Human genome project enabled researchers to obtain the instructions they needed to gain an understanding of how to build an individualRead MoreEvolution Of The Human Genome Project1273 Words  | 6 PagesWhile many diseases and viruses are caused by outside sources, some diseases occur from within the human body. Regular ailments can be cured with medicine, or fought off overtime by getting a vaccine, but certain diseases and anomalies cannot be directly treated. This is because they are genetically inherited by certain parts of one’s DNA. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid, and is inherited from the parents of a person. These strands, found within the nucleus of all cells, determine the appearanceRead MoreThe Human Genome Project A Go Or No?1319 Words  | 6 Pages Is the Human Genome Project a Go or No? Rapid growth in the health field over the past several decades has brought with it many advancements even in the prenatal stages of life, one may think this is all positive, but is it really? With all new technology and advancements in the health field the lives of humans can be heavily impacted by these advancements in the study of human genes. The study of the human genome began in the early 1990s and involved into a global project. The purpose was to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Resource Management Functions Of The Company
Human Resource Management Function Based on Bandag’s size, it is important for the company to look closely at the human resource functions of the company. Currently, Jim’s executive assistant handles the day-to-day human resource management. It is important to first ask if Jim’s executive assistant has the expertise to deal with the day-to-day human resource tasks or is this an additional burden on the assistant. It may appear as a burden due to the many problems the company is experiencing. It may be in the company’s best interest to employ an in-house employee who will specifically deal with the daily human resource management tasks. This person should be a highly trained individual. This individual should be able to competently†¦show more content†¦If Jim decides he does not want to employ an in-house human resource employee, he will need to carefully select an outsourcing firm to handle the all duties of a human resource department. This action is needed in order to find a firm that offers the solutions to the problems targeting Bandag. This decision should not be taken lightly. It is a decision that should be well thought out and researched because the outsourcing firm will work as an extension of the organization. In Jim’s case, cost alone should never be the deciding factor in the selection of an outsourcing firm to handle human resource processes. There are a host of other factors to consider, such as reputation, organizational fit, and degrees of experience. It is often advisable to meet those who will be performing the work itself (Caruth, Haden, and Caruth, 2013). Additionally, if outsourcing of all operations is needed, open communication is needed in order to solidify the relationship between the companies. It is also important to note regardless of the choice that is made, organizational leaders need to approach either scenario with the mindset of building a long-term relationship. Neither option should be viewed as a short-term solution to human resource management problemsâ€â€it is a long-term arrangement that requires commitment from both parties (Caruth, Haden, Caruth, 2013). Dismissal of Employee Henry The case with Henry, there is a need to gather more information regarding his claim.
Ethics Ethics And Behavior - 1585 Words
Ethics is a critical issue in today’s workplace. If employers and employees do not consistently follow high standards of conduct, companies cannot prosper. Workplace ethics and behavior are a crucial part of employment, as both are aspects that can assist a company in its efforts to be profitable. In fact, ethics and behavior are just as important to most companies as performance as high morale and team work are two ingredients for success. Every business in every industry has certain guidelines to which its employees must adhere. Effective and appropriate workplace ethics-principles and practices that define the duties, obligations and, by implication, the rights of an organization’s members-builds on the individual and collective values found in society. Any workplace ethical standards sharply at variance with those privately or publicly embraced by its members are likely to be protested, resisted or at least questioned by them. All companies specify what acceptable b ehavior is, and what is not when hiring an employee. Many even summarize expected conduct in job descriptions or during the interview process. Behavior guidelines typically address topics, such as harassment, work attire and language. Workers who do not follow codes of conduct may receive written and verbal warnings, and ultimately be fired. The behaviors that a company wishes to instill in managing workplace ethics will primarily be determined by the organizational culture and priorities that guideShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Ethical Behavior1491 Words  | 6 Pages Ethics can be described as the ideals and principles considered by individuals when determining acceptable behavior. Many individuals take into account socially established normalities and expectations when examining their own behavior. However, I find my ideals to be tied to Jean Paul Sartre’s existential views which assert that ethical behavior should be rooted in one’s personal ration alizations and a person’s actions should reflect free agency. Existentialism is a theory that stresses choiceRead MoreThe Ethics Of Unethical Behavior1626 Words  | 7 PagesA man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world, Albert Camus. Police hold a unique position in our society. They are entrusted to protect and serve the people. Their position is also unique in that it easily can lead to corruption and violence when unethical behavior is allowed. In our current culture, unethical police culture to easily seems to become the norm. Minor unethical actions seem to be ever present and larger problems have shown to become rampant in some departments. SolutionsRead MoreThe Ethics Of Organizational Behavior Essay1381 Words  | 6 Pagesestablished a code of ethics that is designed to create a culture that fosters the development, passion, and knowledge of its employees. Our team has broken down the organization into major topics of organizational behavior, created questi ons pertaining to the topic, and interviewed Mr. Zammitti. A major topic regarding organizational behavior focuses on the ethical values the company works to institute and how those values aim to establish an environment supportive of positive behavior and little mitigationRead MoreEthics : Ethical And Unethical Behavior Essay1183 Words  | 5 PagesWebster Dictionary ethics are â€Å"rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad; an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior: a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong†. There is more to ethics than the simple definition. To understand ethics one must define what is ethical and unethical behavior in the workplace and it importance, prescriptive approaches, psychological approaches, whistle-blowers, and ethics as organizationalRead MoreEthics : Ethical And Unethical Behavior869 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is ethics? What are some of the issues of ethics that occur in social research? How important is ethics i n research? Ethics or moral philosophy involves, arranging, defending, and endorsing concepts of right and wrong conduct in society. The term ethics, according to Henry Sidgwick, derives from three great ethical philosophers of ancient Greece, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Conducting social research, without proper use knowledge pertaining to the code of conduct is violating human rightsRead MoreThe Medical Code Of Ethics And Behavior Essay1237 Words  | 5 Pagesto a patient and follow the rules of morality is an inevitable part of this occupation. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine contribution which can be done to the work of a dental assistants by describing the medical code of ethics and behavior and on their basis establish the personal contribution to the profession. Medical activity is regarded to be one of the difficult professions. The person who has devoted oneself to medicine, of course, should possess a vocation to it. TheRead MoreEthical Dilemm Ethics And Behavior Essay1578 Words  | 7 PagesDilemma’s in The Work Place Companies place a high amount of importance on the ethics and behavior in the workplace. Most companies specify behavior requirements when hiring employees and provide guidelines of appropriate conduct pertaining to internal policies. When it comes to moral behavior in the workplace there is always a chance of making a decision for personal gain over ethical integrity. A key component to workplace ethics is integrity, honesty and doing the right thing at all times. In this caseRead MoreEffective Ethics and Ethical Behavior1468 Words  | 6 PagesEffective ethics and ethical behavior Memorandum and Report Carol Harris TO: Rebecca M. Melton, ABC Toy Co. CEO FROM: Carol Harris, Elementary Division Manager, ABC Toy Co. DATE: 6/5/11 SUBJECT: Product quality issue and a report on ethical decision making. This memo addresses a product quality issue with a whistle included in our toy collection. I have included a report on the importance of ethical decisionRead MoreEthics Of Employees And Unethical Behavior975 Words  | 4 PagesEthics of employees are a large part of their daily life. Ethics within employees can cause an employee to be an asset to an organization, or the lack of ethics can cause an employee to be a discredit to themselves and the organization. Unethical behavior can stem from a variety of sources according to HR.BLR.COM (2011) and the situation that the employee could face can dictate which path they take in making decisions. Certain conditions can cause an employee to act unethically. Addressing unethicalRead MoreEthical Ethics And Ethical Behavior Essay2251 Words  | 10 Pagesunethical and unmoral acts of behavior, it is imperative that leaders fully comprehend the ramifications related to their unethical behavior. Furthermore, an ethical virtue demonstrated by a leader paves the foundation for their followers to behave with the sa me ethical behavior established within the organization thus establishing a followers’ commitment to their constitution. Additionally, the rise in corporate ethical scandals today representing the unethical behavior and, raising awareness relevant
Barnes & Noble - Inc. Versus Borders Group - Inc.
Question: Describe about the Report for Barnes Noble, Inc. Versus Borders Group, Inc. Answer: Introduction Continuous technological innovation is rapidly overtaking the retail information management that has been in place for years. Holistic information systems that can be used for management and retail at the same time are essential for the success of a business. Companies that create and implement strategic plans on information systems (IS) at the right time have higher chances of doing better and standing out amidst challenges while the others fail. This paper describes two organizations in the book retail industry. Barnes Noble is an example of an organization that succeeded in gaining competitive advantage via IT. On the other hand, Borders Group is an example of an organization that was unsuccessful in enhancing its competitive advantage through IT/IS. Barnes Noble, Inc. - Successful Example Barnes Noble, Inc. is one of the largest book retailers in the United States. It is a Fortune 500 company, previously ranked at position 423. In addition, the organization is a leading digital media content and educational products retailer throughout the country. According to Fortune 500 (2016), the company has 649 stores in all States within America and has 37,000 employees. After a series of bankruptcies and merges of firms in the American bookstore industry in the last two decades, Barnes Noble still stands as the remaining national bookstores. Barnes Noble was founded in 1886 under the name Arthur Hinds Company. The name was changed in 1894 to Hinds Noble when Gilbert Clifford Noble became a partner. In 1917, Noble bought Hinds and partnered with William Barnes, after which they named the company Barnes Noble (Barnes Noble Inc, 2013). The company has been transforming to include information technology in its activities in order to keep the company at the top of the indust ry. Currently, the company is well known for NOOK, a suite for e-book readers it developed. The Nook is in competition with Kobo eReader, Amazon Kindle as well as other e-readers such as iBooks that are used in iOS devices. The current version of the NOOK is customer friendly because it has Wi-Fi connectivity, Sudoku games, a dictionary and chess among other things (Rosen, 2015). Barnes Noble has done all this and much more to gain and maintain a competitive advantage that its competitors were unable to cope up with. Success Factors The success of this organization has been as a result of the strategies that have been put in place to embrace Information Technology (IT) as the world advances in technology. Besides the brick and mortar stores the company has established all over the country, IT has enabled it to gain a broad online presence. Different internal and external factors have enabled the company to enhance its competitive advantage as indicated in the subsections below. Internal Factors that influenced Barnes Nobles Success Over the years, the company embraced changes that came on the way. For instance, in 1931, the company opened a publishing division and began opening stores in other States. In 1970s, the company was under a good management of Leonard Riggio, who made great changes to revive it after about two years of mismanagement. In order to embrace IT in its marketing strategies, Barnes and Nobles was the first bookseller to make adverts on television in 1974 (Barnes Noble Inc, 2016). In addition to the television advertisements, the company started selling books on 40 percent discounts so long as the title ranked the bestselling in The New York Times newspaper. Under its good management, the company purchased Dalton stores in 1986. By 1999, the company became the second-largest bookseller online in the United States. Company critics claimed that the company led to a decline of the other local booksellers (Barnes Noble Founder, 2016). As a move to integrate more IT to its already existing mail-order catalogs, the company created a website, where it began selling books online by 1980s. The website was launched in 1997. Currently, the site carries more than 2.3 million titles. On October 2007, the company launched an online literary style site by the name Barnes Noble Review. It featured columns, book reviews and interviews from different authors and critics. The site also provided essays for music critics such as Robert Christgau. The company also ran Gameshop retail outlets, between 1999 and 2004, where video games were sold. More IT was incorporated into the company as technological advancements continued. In 2010, William Lynch, who was the Website president, became the Companys CEO. As the Companys overall manager, he made the company embrace Information systems to a maximum. During his time there, the company launched the electronic book store. Later on, the Nook, an electronic book reader was introduced. It was under his management that the company became famous for its digital books. Lynch resigned in 2013. External Factors that Influenced Success Several external factors influenced the success of Barnes Nobles. Between 1965 and 1990s book industry was growing at a high rate but companies in the industry were reluctant to grab the opportunity. During the same time, discovery of computers led to innovation of information systems for different industries. In the retail industry, companies like Barnes Noble got the opportunity to gather customer feedbacks so that they could make improvements for higher customer satisfaction. Using the information systems, that were available at that time, the company collected data on market in order to determine what the customers needed. It was after this that the company opened small discount stores that were later replaced by the larger stores. In addition, the data collected indicated that more sales would be made if the company published its own books. The started publishing its books. Later on, in order to raise customer satisfaction, the company started selling the books they published to mail-order customers. It was at this time that the company saw the benefits of embracing IT. Books that were sold in mail-order catalogs were affordable reissues that enabled the organization to reach new customers all over the country (Barnes Noble Inc, 2016). By the end of 1974, Barnes and Nobles Fifth Avenue store had overtaken Londons Foyles bookshop, making it the biggest bookstore worldwide. In 2011, the closure and bankruptcy of competitor, Border Group, left Barnes Noble the only remaining national bookseller in the U.S. A series of bankruptcies and mergers in the American book industry followed. Waldenbooks, Crown Books and B.Dalton, among others were closed down. That trend expanded Barnes Noble's market and made it succeed during those tough times. The current biggest physical Barnes Noble's bookstore competitor is Books-A-Million, a company that does not operate in the West of U.S. Other companies that currently compete with Barnes Noble include general retailers such as Amazon.com, independent and regional booksellers (Townsend, 2013). Although the company shares the small market with more technologically upcoming organizations, the company has always embraced IT/IS to enhance its competitive advantage. SWOT Analysis Strengths The firm is well established and has a market capitalization of more than $ 2 billion. Its selling of DVDs, CDs, magazines, e-books and books makes it a one-stop outlet for media. It is among Fortune 500 companies. The firm uses several channels to distribute products online and stores. It also has a strong financial position (Barnes Noble, Inc., 2013). Weaknesses Most stores are within U.S. meaning that the market is limited. Opportunities Ecommerce is growing. The firm should use internet to cover a larger area than the U.S. market. The spending of consumers is also increasing. The company can take over and jointly venture on the small significant firms that have best brands. Threats Firms such as Amazon, and public libraries are a threat to this firm. Online competition and book store retails are increasing. Books are substituted by ebooks at a high rate (Barnes Noble, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 2013) Borders Group- Unsuccessful Example Borders Group is a good example of a company that failed because it did not fully incorporate information technology or information systems as its competitor was doing so. Borders Group, a global book retailer was founded in the year 1971 by two brothers and Michigan graduates, Tom and Louis Borders. The two established the organization when they failed to interest booksellers that were already in the industry, in their inventory and sales tracking system (PR, 2015). Their Information system could predict demand in certain communities. The failure of other booksellers to be interested with their innovation prompted them to start a firm, Border Group. The company had a good start because it was based on an IT idea that no other bookseller was interested in. Internal Factors that Influenced Borders Failure Borders was not any other book retailer that occupied a large retail area. The individuals who started it were also the managers that saw its success several years that followed. In the first two decades, the employees were devoted to the job that they did. They had pride on the knowledge of the sections that they were assigned. To customers, the store had transformed into a library and a refuge, where they would get in and were lost (Grossman, 2016). All these changed when the Borders was acquired by Kmart and the management changed. In 1992, Kmart acquired Borders Group. The firm, Kmart, had also acquired Waldenbooks in 1984. Waldenbooks was a mall-based book chain. Kmart had been struggling with book division ever since it acquired Waldenbooks. One factor that led to the failure of Borders Group was change of management and merging an area of struggle. Kmart merged Waldenbooks with Borders with the hope that Waldens book division would be revived by Borders senior experienced management that were doing well. However, the senior management team resigned before they could do much. External Factors that Influenced Borders Failure Several external factors accelerated the failure of the company. First, there was high competition in the book retail market. Border Group competitors, Crown and Barnes Noble were aggressively expanding to cover up a wide market. Borders was facing pressure from stakeholders, and it was also experiencing its fiscal problems. As a move to try and strategize, the management named the new merge, Borders-Walden Group (Cody, 2012). However, before the year ended, the company was renamed Borders group. Border Group Companys story is full of irony and a lot of slap-your-forehead missteps. By 1990s, it was clear that both competing companies, Barnes Noble and Borders Group dominated the books industry. The missteps for Borders began immediately it achieved dominance. A Series of Missteps taken by Borders First, the company engaged in an aggressive expansion that made the company acquire long-term leases that later proved the companys bankruptcy. The company should have assessed performance in each new store it opened by collecting information through the IS that were available at that time. Secondly, Borders focused on creating selections that were more superior to those of Barnes Noble. They were ignorant of the fact that customers were not aware of those selections and they were not interested by them. The company should have used IT/IS to collect customers view of the selections. Thirdly, the company lost the control of internet sales channel. According to Valds (2012), the company negotiated a deal, in 2001, to allow Amazon control Borders online business. A lot of time was wasted before the company launched its website in 2008. Figures indicate that the sales dropped by nearly 34% between 2001 and 2008 (Rosen, 2015). Again, instead of the company focusing on its product, books, it increased its focus on DVDs and CDs. At this time, book retailer competitors were focusing on how they would digitally deliver their products using IT. Borders lost the opportunity of delivering e-books in time to its customers. This led to a loss in market niche. When the company launched Kobo, the e-reader, it did not gain traction because it had insufficient support. When introducing a certain technology, it is important to ensure that it is released at the most opportune time. On 2005, the firm wasted valuable finance of $600 million on the stock buyback program (Johnston, 2015). The end of Borders was an ugly one. In the last years, the company did not have money and it was burdened by long-term leases for its big stores that were located very far. The firm filed for bankruptcy when it was too late. Its creditors concluded that the best option was to maximize recovery through total liquidation. SWOT Analysis Strengths The firm was recognized for being the best bookstore. It had bookshops all over the globe. The company had diversified to books, music, CDs and DVDs. Weaknesses It provided the easiest products to customers- paperback books. It outsourced online sales to Amazon. The company ran from market trends, leaving the opportunity to Barnes Noble. It misread signals within the market and ended up diversifying products, thus losing focus on real deal. There was poor management within the firm (PR, 2013). Opportunities The firm could have partnered with universities to supply textbooks. With ebooks introduction, the firm could have reduced its costs because the books do not require much space. The market had few players and the company would have remained as the leader. Threats Newer competitors in the online field were using technology rapidly. Globalization threatened the firm because customers were expected to stop going for the books but acquire the ebooks online. The firms competitor, BN collaborated with the best brands and increased their competition worldwide (PR, 2013). Lessons Learned The two retail firms which were at one time dominating book retail industry took different strategies at some point. One was successful and still stands out in the industry, while the other one failed and had an ugly ending. Various lessons can be drawn from the cases. First, its hurts when people fail to foresee a revolution, but to companies, it is fatal (Books Industry Profile, 2015). When managers fail to predict the future through the changes that take place, they are treated as failures in their lives whereas the companies they lead die without hopes of resurrection. Another lesson that can be learned is that the marketplace has the ability to swiftly punish those who delay to adapt to new digital realities. While Barnes Nobles created a website and started working with it until its full launch, Borders started online book selling but later stopped it because the online business was not profitable. Later on, in 2001, the firm made a deal with Amazon so that it could maintain its online presence. Getting into that deal was a form of delay because the firm later launched a website in 2008 where it continued with online retail. It is important that retailers make strategies once they notice opportunities on their way. How can competitive advantages gained via IS/IT be sustained? In the modern times, distribution channels are sophisticated and technology driven. The next step after gaining a competitive advantage should be to carefully observe the trends and act accordingly. For instance, since more people currently rely on content they can access on their handheld devices, it is important to make products and services readily available and easily accessible on such platforms. This makes distribution to be customer-friendly. Current trends should be monitored closely because they determine the future of a business. Once a firm gains a competitive advantage through IS/IT, it should strive to maintain it. This should be done by conducting continuous assessments and evaluations that indicate the performance of the company. Performance indicators should be clear enough so that any slight changes can be observed and worked on (Gilbert, 2015). Borders lacked indicators that discretely indicated that the firm was headed to a fall. If such indicators were in place, better timely strategies might have been utilized. Research and development (RD) is an important division in firms that gained competitive advantages through IT/IS. Research should continuously be carried out so that ways of improving the IS can be discovered. RD should always focus on customer satisfaction and how to remain ahead of competitors (Johnston, 2015). Borders was established after Barnes and Noble had already established. However, the innovation that Borders proprietors introduced propelled the company to make it the best in that industry. Conclusion In conclusion, as markets enlarge and become complex, the retailing process that was once simple changes. In order to cope with the trend, retailers need to employ more intelligent and sophisticated information systems (IS) where all transactions are involved. The key to maintain a competitive advantage in this globalized retailing industry, is to efficiently control information, data and knowledge of the market. It is important that retailers invest in and exploit information management that is available. Barnes and Noble were always open-minded such that the most crucial book retail information did not pass them by. The company new the exact moment it was required to open new stores in certain locations. In addition, the company knew the exact Information Technology (IT) to use at different times in order to enhance its competitive advantage. Borders, on the other hand, started well, and it was once at the same dominance position with Barnes and Noble. The company failed to maintai n its competitive advantage by doing miscalculations and applying the right IS/IT at the wrong time. References 'Barnes Noble Founder: Retail Environment Is Worst in Years', 2016, Investors Business Daily, 8 September, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 3 December 2016. 'Barnes Noble, Inc' 2016, Barnes Noble, Inc. Marketline Company Profile, pp. 1-31, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 5 December 2016. Barnes Noble, Inc. SWOT Analysis' 2013, Barnes Noble, Inc. SWOT Analysis, pp. 1-10, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 4 December 2016. Books Industry Profile: United States' 2015, Books Industry Profile: United States, pp. 1-31, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 3 December 2016. Cody, T 2012, 'Borders CEO Recalls the Moment it was over', Mergers Acquisitions: The Dealermaker's Journal, 47, 1, p. 8, Fortune 500, (2016). Barnes Noble. Fortune. Available at: https://beta.fortune.com/fortune500/barnes-noble-427 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2016]. Gilbert, RJ 2015, 'E-books: A Tale of Digital Disruption', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29, 3, pp. 165-184, Grossman, L 2016, '64. The Death of the Bookstore Was Greatly Exaggerated', Time, 188, 2/3, pp. 54-55. Johnston, N 2015, 'How Borders' demise is a crucial lesson in data', Campaign, p. 42, PR, N 2013, 'Online Retailers Gained, While Brick-and-Mortar Lost In Wake of Borders Exit', PR Newswire US, 6 August, Regional Business News, EBSCOhost, viewed 5 December 2016. Rosen, J 2015, 'Filling the Void', Publishers Weekly, 262, 7, pp. 1-3, Townsend, M 2013, 'The Barnes Noble End', Bloomberg Businessweek, 4340, pp. 52-55. Valds, RD 2012, 'Life after Borders', Shopping Centers Today, 33, 5, pp. 42-44.
The Role of Leadership in Organizational Development Free Sample
Question: Dicuss about the Role of Leadership in Organizational Development. Answer: Leadership refers to the quality to influence others to follow his footsteps. Every organization requires a leader to show them the right path of success (Van Wart, 2013). Leadership plays crucial role in organizational success. Leadership is the combination of both research and practical skill that encourages the employees or other team members to work together to achieve the organizational goal. The idea of leadership has fuelled many debates. There is a conflict about the concept of leadership between United States and European countries (Moriano et al., 2014). US academic environments has analysed leadership as a procedure in which a person can provide efficient suggestion to a group of people and motivate them to work together to achieve a common target. According to some European report, leadership is a view of leaders that helps the team to not only achieve any common goal but also search for personal qualities. Leaders are responsible to monitor the performance graph of his t eam members. The performance level of all the employees is highly dependent on the quality of the leadership. According to some report, effective leaders must identify the goal of the organization and influence the employees to give their best performance to establish a better future for the organization (Moriano et al., 2014). One of the key qualities of leadership is to encourage the productivity of the organization. It is evident that a person who provides effective advice to his team during any crisis to overcome the turbulence later on recognized as the leader of the group. In this competitive era, organizations are setting new goals every now and then to beat their rivals. Thus, every organization requires an efficient leader to enhance the productivity of their organization.Leaders are expected to provide enthusiastic and friendly environment to his subordinates. It will motivate the team members to contribute in the success of the organization (Paustian-Underdahl,Walker Woeh r, 2014). The below mentioned article reviews the nature of leadership. It emphasises on the impact of leadership on the organizational culture and decision-making process. It has enlightened all the aspect of leadership that helps the organizations to meet their desired target. The study of leadership has become crucial subject in last few decades. Recently some experts have claimed that leadership is a complete organization that research the goal of the organization, implement required strategies and tactics and influence other members to participate in the process of achieving the target. Leadership can be defined as the action to lead an organization or a group (Kollenscher et al., 2016). Some reports claim leadership is the social exchange between the leaders and followers. Merton has described leadership as the transaction between the leaders and his followers. As opined by some analysts, leaders are like other members of the group, but the quality of influencing team members distinguishes him from others. The two primary leadership approaches are traitist and situationist. There is conflict among the analysts about leadership. According to some analysts, leadership is based on some specific traits of the leader. On the contrary, Gibb (1988) has stated that leadership quality of the organization is dependent on the situation. There are many leadership theories that concentrated on fundamental nature of leadership. The four key leadership theories are- great man theory, trait theory, behavioural theory, contingency theory, transactional theory, transformational theory (Cheng et al., 2014). Leadership quality can be defined as a personal quality. This quality distinguishes leaders from other team members. Some famous qualities of effective leadership are: Leadership is highly dependent on the followers. A leader will not be able to perform his responsibility without his followers. Main objective of leadership is to identify the primary objective of the organization and adopt required strategies and techniques to the organization, influence others to participate in the the process (Lumby, 2013). Leadership is the process in which a person influence other member of his group to work together to achieve the common goal. They provide a healthy atmosphere to their employees so they can work properly (Silzer et al., 2016). It will influence the employees to give their best performance to establish a better future for the organization. The success of every organization is greatly dependent on the quality of leadership. An effective leader plays an important role in enhancing the growth of the organization. On the other hand, an active team can also fail to achieve the expected target due to the poor performance of the team leader. The leadership styles are based on different situation (Silzer et al., 2016). Several leaders perform differently under various situations. Leadership is not similar to bossism or management. Leaders are also a member of the group. They are not beyond the rules. However, their quality to influence and motivate others differentiates them from the rest of the group. Leadership is a function to stimulate the followers to participate in the development of the organization (Mihalache et al., 2014). Effective leaders always motivate their employees to sharpen their skills to enhance the productivity level of the organization. It is considered as one of the key nature of leadership. Efficient leaders always actively participate in the production process of the organization. Leaders must be able to accept all the responsibilities willingly in every situation. They must realize their responsibility towards the organization or the group. They must be loyal towards and dedicated towards the organization (Kollenscher et al., 2016). It will increase the effectiveness of their leadership and enhance the growth of the organization. Leadership is the quality of implementing vision in reality. An efficient leader must have the potential to turn their big ideas into reality (Kollenscher et al., 2016). It is not enough to make strategies; efficient leaders always look after the opportunities to implement their strategies into the practical world. Leaders must play the role of friend, philosopher and guide (Prakash et al., 2015). Good leaders always encourage their subordinates to learn new technologies and new practices. They know the value of learning. They always discuss about their experience and achievements with their team member to motivate them and boost their moral values. Followers are often motivated by the personality and behaviour of their leaders. Leaders play dual role. Effective leaders always stand by the side of their employees in all the circumstances and they support their organization as well. They influence their employees to provide their best performance for the betterment of the organization and the always look after the benefits of their subunits (Day et al., 2014). Effective leaders always encourage their employees by appreciating them. Many organizations offer bonus, insurance to their staffs to boost their performance (Dinh et al., 2014). They know the value of appreciation. It is one of the most important qualities of strong leadership. Leaders must offer their employees incentives, bonus and some extra leaves to make them feel as an essential part of the organization. Leaders possess the right to monitor the performance of the team members. They must review the performance of their employees and identify their mistake so it does not destroy the productivity of the organization (Hoch Kozlowski, 2014). Good leaders concentrate on the strengths of their team members. It does not mean they avoid their flaws. However, discussion about the positive qualities of the employees increases the confidence level among the employees (Leroy et al., 2015). It enhances the productivity of the organization. Efficient leaders always stand by the side of their organization in every crisis. It is often evident that leaders play crucial role to deal with difficult situation (Antonakis House, 2014). An exemplary example of this type of leadership is the TD industries. In 1980, while all the banks of Texas was experiencing massive crisis, TD industries was one of them. However, the leaders managed to tackle the situation by taking an innovative initiative. As there was a lack of fund, company offered their staffs a defined retirement plan and asked them to invest their money into their organization. Employees followed the instruction of the management and provided them 30% more from the companys expectation. This unique and sincere step of the leader helped the organization to deal with the crisis and provided them sufficient fund to stabilize the company("Mechanical Construction and Facility Services | TDIndustries", 2017). Effective leadership signifies a strong relation between the leader and his subordinates. Great leaders pay close attention to the problems of the team members. They include some strategies and policies like zero tolerance policy, sexual harassment policy to influence the participation of the employees in the organization (Bergh et al., 2016). Addressing every employees individually is the sign of a strong and transparent leadership. Great leaders often discuss with the subordinates about their work experience. It is can be seen in many organization that leaders provide some valuable advice to their employees about their personal life or health related issues. They refer them to another source that can be useful for the employees to give trauma support, financial support, counselling. An exemplary example of such organization is Canyon Coal. The leaders of this organization is very much concerned about the well-being of their employees (Canyon Coal. 2017). There are five primary styles of leadership, they are- Laissez- Faire, Autocratic, Participative, Strategic, Team leadership, Transactional, Transformational, cross-cultural, facilitative leadership. These leadership styles influence the organizational development and decision-making process differently (LussierAchua, 2015). In Laissez- Faire leadership leaders do not provide their regular feedback to their subordinates and do not supervise them properly. The employees with high experience and quality will be able to survive under this type of leadership (Tourish, 2014). However, not every employees of an organization possesses these high qualities. This type of leadership is harmful for the growth of the organization. This style of leadership hinders the productivity. This leads the organization to meet an awful consequence. Leaders do not interfere in employees activity. This leadership style is based on Behavioural theory of leadership, as this leadership style is influenced by the behaviour of the leaders. The lazy or distracted behaviour of the leaders do not allow him to participate in the decision making process of the team. Leaders often overlook many activities of the group due to such practices. An exemplary example of Laissez-Faire leadership style was US President Theodore Roosevelt under who se leadership the Panama Canal project was about to develop. The Canal was expected to start in 1914. The idle nature of the leader did not allow the project to complete. Autocratic leadership style can defined as a process in which a manager makes decision alone. Other members of the team cannot participate in the decision making process (Mihalache et al., 2014). They are bound to obey the decision of the manager. No one can question the decision of the leader. They are not provided any kind of platform to share their view over any issue related to the decision of the manager. This type of leadership is not beneficial for organizational development. Employees dissatisfaction can be increased due to this type of leadership that encourages violation among the team members (Bergh et al., 2016). Theis leadership style concentrates on the behavioural theory of leadership. The dominating nature of the leader leads him to take any organizational decision without consulting with other team members. The behavioural theory has analysed various behaviour or nature of leaders that influences their leadership style. This leadership style is highly influenced by t he nature of the manager. Hitler and Nepoleon Bonaparte was one of the famous examples of Autocratic leader. Participative Leadership is also known as Democratic Leadership. Leaders in this type of leadership frequently meet with their team members to discuss about the strategies and policies of the organization. This type of leadership encourages the employees to participate in the organisational development (Colbert, Barrick Bradley, 2014). It influences the moral value of the team members and makes them feel as an important part of the organization. As leaders in participative leadership discuss about the decision with their staffs before implementing any new strategy, it helps the team members to accept the changes easily. Participative leadership is considered as one of the effective leadership style but it faces difficulties in making decision within a short span of time, as managers do not get much time to discuss with their team about the decision. This type of leadership style is also a part of the behavioural theory. The nature of the manager influence him to to discuss about the new strategies and practices with his subordinates. John. F. Kennedy was a perfect example of Democratic leader. He had influenced the whole world by the unique leadership style. Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo is an example of participative leader. She always maintains a healthy relation with her subordinates and often meet with them to discuss about emerging projects and several other issues. Strategic leadership refers to a leadership procedure where leaders fill the gap between the requirement of change and requirement of practicality by their creativity (Wang et al., 2014). This type of leadership is not only restricted to the top position of the organization, people who possess the quality of strategic thinking can become effective and efficient leader in strategic leadership. This type of leadership can be effective to meet any specific goal. Bill Gates is a famous example of Strategic Leadership. His strategies have led Microsoft to become the most renowned brand in computing world. Due to his efficient leadership Microsoft still offers a wide range of products and services to its consumers worldwide. Leaders provide a clear picture of future of the organization and share their vision with their team members (Parris Peachey, 2013). This practice helps the subunits to identify the objective and right direction. Leaders discuss about their vision about the future of the organization, it helps to create a strong bonding with the employees. However, it is also evident that team leadership fails to achieve the target. According to Harvard Business Review, team leadership can fail due to the poor performance of the manager. An exemplary example of team leader is Angela Markel. She is well-known as the most effective leader European leader and chancellor for six decades. Leaders in transactional leadership style maintain two-way relation with their employees. In this type of leadership, leader and his team set a common goal. In order to achieve that goal, they willingly work together. During this procedure, leaders appreciate their subordinates for their performance, or sometime they can scold them as well for their mistakes. Such practices will motivate the staffs to give their best performance to meet the target successfully. Leaders in this type of leadership conduct different training programmes to provide a transparent picture of organizational policies and objectives (Shatzer et al., 2014). Such practices increase the quality of the employees performance and restrict them to be involved in any kind of unethical activities. In this type of leadership leaders, possess the right to review the performance of their team member and make important corrections to enrich their performance. Employees often receive many rewards like bonus, incentives due to their remarkable performance. An example of transactional leadership is Starbuck. Starbucks is one of the renowned organizations in the world and well known for its phenomenal treatment of employees. They consider their employees as a key element of their organization. They always try to match the expectation level of the employees. They frequently offer insurance, bonus, incentives to their employees. The organization has gone through a rough patch in 1997 when some of its employees were killed in robbery in one of its stores of Washington D.C. The CEO Howard Schultz took a remarkable step to fight with the obstacle. He went to Washing D. C and he was there for the entire week. He stood by the side of the employee's family and provided all kind of supports. The company successfully fought against the crisis under the strong leadership of Schultz. Being a responsible leader, Schultz helped his organization to deal with the massacre("Starbucks", 2017).It is an example of contingen cy leadership theory, as Howard Schultz, the CEO has set an example of smart leadership by taking this unique decision in the period of massive crisis. Transformational leadership style focuses on the communication between the leaders and their followers. In this type of leadership leaders maintain a healthy communication withtheir team members to motivate them to achieve the goal (Bergh et al., 2016).Many analysts claim that effective communication is beneficial for organizational growth. Leaders often follow effective communication strategies to motivate their team members. They use various communication tools to interact with the team, such as- group discussion, podcasts, blog, social network. This type of leadership is very much beneficial to enhance the productivity of the organization (McCleskey, 2014). It provides a platform to the employees to share their opinion about an issue. This type of leadership demands effective participation of managers. Effective communication increases the transparency level within the organization. Southwest Airlines is U.S based airline. It is well known for its low-cost carrier. Southwest has s tarted its journey in 1967. The airline has workforce of 53000 employees. It is one of the most preferred airline companies among the customer. It is renowned for its efficient customer service. Southwest always plays a significant role in maintaining the expectation level of their customers. During the 9/11 terrorist attack, all the airlines have experienced massive crisis. They were asked to stop their service until the country recovered from the crisis. Southwest authority took a notable initiative during this period. The employees of Southwest are asked by the authority to take their passengers to movies to entertain them. After the 9/11 attack, Airline companies were forced to terminate their employees. Within the three days of the terrorist attack, Southwest authority declared that they would retain all their employees. As opined by the James Parker, CEO of Southwest, Southwest preserves strong business principles. It helped them to take sincere steps during this crisis ("Sout hwest Airlines Airline Tickets, Flights, and Airfares", 2017). The CEO of Southwest has followed the transformational theory. He communicated about the problem with his employees and assured them about their job. Another example of transformational leadership is IBM. In this modern era, the use of social networking sites and blogs has become an integral part of our life. At the time when business blogging was new to the business world, IBM embraced the change and encouraged their employees to start blogging. They introduced a new policy for the employees to encourage them to share their views on any issue. It influenced the productivity of the organization. IBM always welcomes new technologies. It increases the satisfaction level of their employees and the stakeholders ("Ibm.com", 2017). The facilitative leadership is based on the outcome of the performance. Leaders in this type of leadership influence the group to function properly and enhance their skills (DInnocenzo, Mathieu Kukenberger, 2016)). They monitor the performance graph of their subordinates and identify their flaws. It is the responsibility of the leader to identify flaws of the employees and encourage them to rectify their mistakes to give quality service to the organization. It is responsibility of the leader to develop the skill of the employees. Abraham Lincoln is a famous example of Facilitative leadership. He is well known for his influential leadership style and motivating nature. As per the previous discussion, it can be stated leaders are one of the keypart of every organization. They play most crucial role in the success of their organization. In this competitive era, while every organization is giving their best performance to survive in the race they need the guidance of an efficient leader who can show them the right path to achieve their goal. Leaders must possess some basic qualities like determination, responsible, efficiency, effectiveness, so they can motivate them to achieve the target. The main objective of the leader is to lead his or her organization towards the right direction. They are responsible to describe everyone about their role in the organization. They are the representatives of the organization. Good leaders always encourage their subordinates to give their best performance for the betterment of the organization. They work as a friend, philosopher and guide of their team members. There are many theories that define the basic nature of leadership. These theories have enlightened all the aspects of a good and effective leadership. Different leadership styles influence the decision making process of the organization and performance of the employees in different manner. It is seen in the last few years leaders of some leading organizations have brought revolutionary changes in their organization through their effective and efficient leadership. They provide all the supports to their organization to overcome many obstacles. They have set an example of successful leadership. Reference: Antonakis, J., House, R. J. (2014). Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformationaltransactional leadership theory.The Leadership Quarterly,25(4), 746-771. Bergh, D. D., Aguinis, H., Heavey, C., Ketchen, D. J., Boyd, B. K., Su, P., ...Joo, H. (2016). Using meta?analytic structural equation modeling to advance strategic management research: Guidelines and an empirical illustration via the strategic leadership?performance relationship.Strategic Management Journal,37(3), 477-497. Canyon Coal. 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